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破解医改难题 造福亿万群众——中国医改三年纪实--亲稳网络舆情监测室

破解医改难题 造福亿万群众——中国医改三年纪实

    这是山东省郯城县郯城镇富强村合作医疗定点卫生室医务人员(右一)为群众讲解新农合医疗“一卡通”的使用方法(2010年1月3日摄)。这是人类的共同梦想——病有所医,老有所养。医改是一道世界性难题。为破解这道难题,过去3年,党中央、国务院直面“看病难、看病贵”问题,把保障人民健康作为重大民生工程,以改革促发展,以改革促进步,坚持“保基本、强基层、建机制”的基本原则,统筹协调、突出重点、循序推进,逐步探索出一条中国特色医改道路。3年新医改的生动实践启示人们,坚定信念,统筹谋划,攻坚克难,人人享有基本医疗卫生服务的目标一定能够实现。新华社     This is TanChengXian in shandong province TanCheng town rich and powerful village cooperative medical point clinic medical staff(right)For the masses explain new farming joint medical“card”Use method(On January 3, 2010 perturbation)。This is the human common dream - BingYouSuoYi,Old to keep。Cure is a worldwide difficult problem。For solving this problem,The past three years,The party central committee、The state council face“See a doctor difficult、The doctor your”problems,To safeguard the people's health as a significant livelihood of the people project,To promote the development of the reform,To promote the reform step,Adhere to the“The basic、Strong base、Built mechanism”The basic principles of the,Overall coordination、Highlight the key、Sequential propulsion,We explored a Chinese characteristic cure road。3 years of the new medical reform vivid practice enlightenment people,Firm faith,Plan as a whole,Crucial grams difficult,Everyone will have access to basic medical and health services goal will be able to realize。The xinhua news agency hair

破解医改难题 造福亿万群众——中国医改三年纪实

    在河北省万全县郭磊庄中心卫生院,一名患者在购买零差率销售的药品(4月21日摄)。新华社发     In hebei province WanQuanXian GuoLeiZhuang center health center,A patient in the purchase zero sales rate of drug(April 21 perturbation)。The xinhua news agency hair
