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    绥德黄土地艺术团演员排练新戏《端灯》,她们将在甘肃平凉举行的中国民间艺术节上演出(8月23日摄)。绥德民俗文化是陕北文化的重要发源地之一。“秦汉名邦”、“天下名州”、“旱码头”等溢美之词,体现了自古以来人们对绥德文化的欣赏之情。地处陕西省榆林市东南部的绥德县在1997年就被文化部评为“全国文化先进县”,近年来更是接连获文化部命名为中国民间文化艺术秧歌之乡、唢呐之乡、石雕之乡、民歌之乡、剪纸之乡。目前,全县共有国有院团2个,民间文艺团体6个,原创剧目演出足迹遍布海内外,每年下乡演出数千场,还有规模不等的广场十余处,为群众文化生活提供广阔舞台。每到华灯初上之时,数不清的彩扇飞舞,望不到头的秧歌长龙扭动。2011年,绥德县地方财政收入5188万元,用于文化事业的投入为2170.32万元, 政府还将基层文化工作列入乡镇年度考核内容,为文化工作提供人才保障,建立起较为完善的文艺创作激励机制。高投入也获得了市场的认可,绥德县演出、文化娱乐、文化旅游、艺术品加工、艺术培训等文化旅游产业2011年收入1752万元,2012年上半年达1138万元,保持了良好的增长势头。自发的群众文艺热情,以及政府有形之手的正确引导,让绥德悠久的艺术文化,从历史中走来,不断被注入新的活力,点滴间渗透在百姓心田。这里,黄土文化积淀深厚,优秀民间艺术丰富。一个人口不足40万的国家级贫困县,正致力打造一张响亮的“文化名片”,实现文化和经济价值的双重收获。新华社记者 金良快 摄      Suide loessland troupe actors rehearse a new play《End light》,They will be held in gansu pingliang Chinese folk art festival in performance(On August 23 perturbation)。Suide shaanxi folk culture is one of the important cradle of the culture。“Qin and han dynasties name nations”、“Name the state”、“Dry dock”And praising,Since ancient times people to reflect the suide cultural appreciation。Is located in the southeastern SuiDeXian yulin city of shaanxi province in 1997 was named the ministry of culture“The national culture model county”,In recent years is the ministry of culture named after Chinese folk culture and art yangko of the township、Suona of the township、Stone carving of the township、Folk songs of the township、Paper-cut of the township。At present,The county has two state-owned result,Folk literature and art group six,Original documents performances in both at home and abroad,Every year thousands of field performance to the countryside,There are scale ranging from more than ten square place,For the masses to provide broad cultural life stage。Every at night when the,Countless color fan dancing,Can't see the other end of the yangko long dragon twist。In 2011,,SuiDeXian local finance income is 51.88 million yuan,Used for cultural undertakings input for 21.7032 million yuan, The government will also grassroots culture work in villages and towns annual examination content,In order to offer talented personnel for cultural work,Set up a relatively perfect incentive mechanism of literary and artistic creation。High investment has also won the market recognition,SuiDeXian performance、Cultural entertainment、Cultural tourism、Art processing、Art training cultural tourism industry 2011 annual revenue is 17.52 million yuan,In the first half of 2012 up to 11.38 million yuan,Keep a good growth momentum。Spontaneous mass art enthusiasm,And the hand of tangible the right guidance,Let suide long art culture,Coming from history,By constantly inject new vitality,Between the a bit penetration in the hearts of the people。here,Loess profound cultural background,Good rich folk art。A population of less than 400000 of the state-level counties,Is committed to building a loud“Cultural name card”,To implement cultural and economic value of the double harvest。Xinhua news agency reporters JinLiang quick shot 


     绥德青年晋剧团演员为农民表演折子戏《打金枝》(8月23日摄)。新华社记者 金良快 摄      Suide youth JinJuTuan actor for farmer performance adaptation《Play JinZhi》(On August 23 perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters JinLiang quick shot



    绥德黄土地艺术团演员在排练腰鼓(8月23日摄)。新华社记者 金良快 摄 Suide loessland troupe actors in the rehearsal waist drum(On August 23 perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters JinLiang quick shot


读者在绥德县子洲图书馆内阅览书籍(8月25日摄)。新华社记者 金良快 摄 The reader in SuiDeXian son continent in the library to read books(August 25 perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters JinLiang quick shot
