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    9月7日,消防官兵在帮助被困群众脱险。滇黔交界地震已致贵州省毕节市威宁县近2.8万人受灾房屋受损严重。记者从毕节市民政局了解到,截至7日21时的统计,滇黔交界地震已导致贵州威宁县灾区2人受伤,房屋倒塌12户18间,受损房屋6487户11733间;一般受损房屋5591户10356间;受灾总人口27965人;小水窖受损205个,局地公路坍塌。另据记者从威宁县抗震救灾指挥部了解到,目前威宁县已组织2000余名干部深入受灾乡镇、村组查看灾情,安抚受灾群众;出动200多名公安、武警和消防官兵前往灾区开展救援工作,已组织救灾帐篷124顶及一批方便面、矿泉水、饼干、棉被等物资送往灾区。新华社发(孔龙 摄)     On September 7,,Fire officers and soldiers in helping trapped people escape.The earthquake has caused the border of the yunnan guizhou province guizhou bijie city WeiNingXian nearly 28000 people affected,Severely damaged houses.Reporters from bijie citizens to understand political situation,By 7, when 21 statistics,Yunnan guizhou province has led to the border of the earthquake disaster area in guizhou WeiNingXian 2 people were injured,Houses collapsed 12 families between 18,The damaged house between 11733 6487 households;General damaged houses between 10356 5591 households;The total population of 27965 people;Small cistern damaged 205,Local highway collapse.According to another reporter from WeiNingXian earthquake relief headquarters to know,At present WeiNingXian have organized more than 2000 cadres deeply affected villages and towns/We look at the devastation,Comfort of the people affected by the disaster;Turn out more than 200 public security/Armed police and fire officers and soldiers to quake-hit areas for rescue work,Disaster relief has 124 tents and a batch of instant noodles/Mineral water/cookies/Quilts and other supplies sent to the disaster area.The xinhua news agency hair(KongLong perturbation)


    9月7日,消防官兵在帮助群众转移物资。滇黔交界地震已致贵州省毕节市威宁县近2.8万人受灾,房屋受损严重。新华社发(孔龙 摄)     On September 7,,Fire officers and soldiers to help the masses transfer materials.The earthquake has caused the border of the yunnan guizhou province guizhou bijie city WeiNingXian nearly 28000 people affected,Severely damaged houses.The xinhua news agency hair(KongLong perturbation)
