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    陕西榆林市府谷县新区一期经济适用房住户王涣清在即将装修完毕的新房内安装灯饰。陕西省府谷县从2008年起开始分期分批建设保障性住房,逐步解决城镇低收入家庭住房困难。截至目前,该县已建成保障性住房58.8万平方米、4965套,正在建设65.3万平方米、5649套。地处毛乌素沙漠南缘和、黄河沿石山区的陕西省榆林市,历史上一直是贫穷的代名词,全市12个县区10年前全为国家级贫困县。随着煤炭、石油、天然气等能源的开发利用,近10年来,榆林市城乡居民收入不断提高,人民生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,逐步由贫困迈进小康,神木、府谷两县步入全国百强县。目前榆林市城镇居民收入已由过去单纯依靠工资和离退休金来增加收入,到现在利息收入、股息与红利收入、投资收入等多渠道增加收入,经营净收入和出租房屋收入快速增长,成为城镇居民增长收入的亮点,人均可支配收入从10年前的4870元上升到现在的20721元;全市农民收入增长也改变了原来单纯依赖农业“增产增收、减产减收”的模式,形成了以工资性收入、家庭经营收入为主,财产性收入和转移性收入多渠道增收的多元化模式,实现了“减产不减收”的持续增长的主动增收局面,人均纯收入从10年前的1328元上升到6520元。新华社记者 李鑫 摄     Yulin city of shaanxi province new FuGuXian a period economy applicable room household WangHuan clear in the decoration of the new lamp installed inside.FuGuXian shaanxi province since 2008 began by instalments affordable housing construction,Gradually solve the housing difficulties of low-income families in town.So far,The county has built indemnificatory housing 588000 square meters/4965 sets,Is building 653000 square meters/5649 sets.Is located in the southern maowusu desert and/HuangHeYan mountainous region of yulin city of shaanxi province,History has been poor pronoun,The 12 counties all 10 years ago for state-level counties.Along with the coal/oil/Natural gas energy development and utilization,Nearly 10 years,The income of urban and rural residents in yulin city continuously improve,People's life has undergone earth-shaking changes,Gradually by poor towards a well-off,shenmu/Fu valley two county into the top counties.At present in yulin city, the town residents' income has been made over the past simple rely on wages and retired'll increase your income,To now interest income/Dividend and bonus income/Investment income and multi-channel increase your income,Business net income and rental housing income rapid growth,Become the highlight of urban residents income growth,Per capita disposable income from 10 years ago 4870 yuan up to now 20721 yuan;The farmers' income growth has also changed the original simple dependent on agriculture"To increase production and receipt/Of reducing production"model,Formed a salary income/Family business income is give priority to,Property income and metastatic income increasing the income of multi-channel diversified mode,realized"Not reduce production"The continuous growth of the active income situation,Per capita net income from 10 years ago 1328 yuan rose to 6520 yuan.Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


榆林市高新产业开发区一角。新华社记者 陶明 摄 Hi-tech industry development zone, yulin city corner.Xinhua news agency reporters TaoMing perturbation


    陕西榆林市府谷县高庄则村小学学生下课时跑出操场。当地村民及外地务工人员的子女在这所小学上学一律费用全免。新华社记者 李鑫 摄     Yulin city of shaanxi province FuGuXian GaoZhuang the village elementary school students next class ran out of the playground.Local villagers and the children of migrant workers in the primary school to go to school are free of charge.Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


    陕西榆林市米脂县铁匠姜崇山和夫人杜锦荣在自家门前合影。他家的铁匠生意兴隆,经营收入稳定。新华社记者 陈诚 摄     Yulin city of shaanxi province MiZhiXian blacksmith JiangChongShan and Mrs. The door of DuJinRong in the photo.The smiths of his business is thriving,Business income is stable.Xinhua news agency reporters taken systematically
