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    黑龙江省双鸭山市宝清县万金山乡农民在田里查看籽粒饱满的稻穗(9月15日摄)。据了解,目前黑龙江省各垦区农作物长势良好,如后期没有早霜等大的自然灾害,今年黑龙江粮食生产将获得特大丰收,粮食总产预计可达1250亿斤以上,这是黑龙江省继2011年总产1114.1亿斤成为全国产粮“状元省”后,再创历史新高,在实现粮食生产“九连增”目标的同时,连续五年平均增粮超百亿斤。新华社记者 王松 摄     Heilongjiang province BaoQingXian shuangya shan from rural farmers in the field of view grain full(On September 15, perturbation).It is understood,At present the reclamation area in heilongjiang province crop is in good condition,If no early frost and the late major natural disaster,This year heilongjiang grain production will receive a bumper harvest,Total output of grain can be expected to reach more than 125 billion pounds,This is the heilongjiang province in 2011 total 111.41 billion jins become the major grain-producing"Top provincial"after,Hit a record high,In the implementation of food production"Nine even increase"Goals, and at the same time,Five consecutive years average increasing grain over ten billion jins.The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation


    在黑龙江省双鸭山市宝清县万金山乡,籽粒饱满的稻穗低垂田间(9月15日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄     In heilongjiang province BaoQingXian shuangya shan shan gold,Grain full conquered by of the field(On September 15, perturbation).The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation


    黑龙江省双鸭山市宝清县万金山乡一望无际的稻田即将迎来秋收(9月15日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄     Heilongjiang province BaoQingXian shuangya shan shan from the vast expanse of the paddy field was approaching the autumn harvest(On September 15, perturbation).The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation


    黑龙江省双鸭山市宝清县万金山乡的农民在自家耕地里查看已经成熟的水稻(9月15日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄     Heilongjiang province BaoQingXian shuangya shan shan from farmers cultivated land in his view the result has been mature rice(On September 15, perturbation).The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation
