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    左图:在上海徐家汇街头回收月饼券的“黄牛”排成行;右上:市民在上海一家月饼厂商的门店内凭券提货;右下:在网络上团购月饼券的市民在厂商的门店内排队等候取货 (9月23日摄,拼版照片)。     left:In Shanghai xujiahui street recovery of mooncakes coupons"cattle"line-up;at:The public in Shanghai a moon cake manufacturer in the stores by coupon delivery;Lower right:On the network group purchase the citizens of mooncakes coupons in the manufacturer's store inside queue up take delivery of (On September 23 perturbation,Makeup photos).

    中秋节临近,月饼销售进入旺季,月饼券也呈现交易火爆的局面。据了解,沪上月饼生产、经销企业今年共发放月饼券920多万张。靠“黄牛”搭桥,一张张月饼券在给消费者带来便利的同时,也孕育了一条灰色利益链。     The Mid-Autumn festival is near,Moon cake sale into the season,Mooncakes coupons also presents the transaction hot situation.It is understood,Shanghai moon cake production/Distribution enterprises this year a total of mooncakes coupons issued more than 920 copies.by"cattle"bypass,One of the mooncakes coupons in brought to consumer convenience at the same time,Also breeds a grey interests chain.

    记者通过走访调查发现:企事业单位以6折到7折的价格厂家团购月饼券发给员工;员工以4折到6折的价格把月饼券卖给“黄牛”;“黄牛”会加价把券销售给需要月饼券的消费者,并把倒卖不掉的月饼券以4折到5折的价格卖回印券的厂家     Reporter through the visiting survey found:Enterprises and institutions to 6 fold to 7 fold price from the factory group purchase mooncakes coupons to employees;Staff in order to 4 fold to 6 fold price to sell mooncakes coupons"cattle";"cattle"The ticket will increase sales to consumers need mooncakes coupons,And the stripping off of mooncakes coupons to 4 fold to 5 discount price sell back to print stamp manufacturer.

    为了增加月饼券销量,部分厂家甚至会把券直接低价卖给“黄牛”或代销公司。在这一过程中,厂家可以在无需生产任何月饼的情况下,轻松赚取两折左右的利润,而黄牛则通过低买高卖获取一折以上的差价。这样的利益链下,月饼已成为一个由月饼厂家出品的“类期货产品”,名为月饼买卖,但大多是通过月饼券完成交易,整个过程不需要实物月饼出现,最终付出真金白银的只是需要月饼券的企事业单位和消费者。     In order to increase sales of mooncakes coupons,Part of the manufacturer or even the ticket sold directly at a low price"cattle"Or sell goods on a commission basis company.In this process,Manufacturers can be in any without production under the condition of moon cakes,Easily earn twenty percent of profits,And cattle, through the buy low and sell high for more than ten percent of the price difference.Such interests under the chain,Moon cake has become a by the moon cake manufacturer of product"Class futures products",Called moon cake sale,But mostly through the mooncakes coupons complete the transaction,The whole process don't need real moon cake appeared,Finally pay of gold silver just need the mooncakes coupons enterprises and consumers.

    人情往来的需要,使月饼券在发行流通过程中给了生产企业和“黄牛”以可乘之机。专家认为:月饼券票面价格打四至五折之后依然有利可图,如此虚高标注价格的生产厂商涉嫌价格欺诈,而“黄牛”倒卖月饼券则涉嫌非法经营,两者均扰乱了市场的正常经营秩序。新华社记者 裴鑫 摄     The need of human relations,Make mooncakes coupons issued in the circulation process to the production enterprise and"cattle"An advantage.Experts say:Mooncakes coupons par price play - after fifty percent is still profitable,Such virtual high dimension price manufacturer suspected price fraud,and"cattle"Stripping mooncakes coupons are suspected of illegal business,Both are disrupted the normal business order of the market.Xinhua news agency reporters PeiXin perturbation


    “黄牛”在人民广场和徐家汇两大商圈的街头回收和兜售月饼券(9月21日摄,拼版照片)。新华社记者 裴鑫 摄     "cattle"In the people's square and xujiahui two big business circle of street recovery and sell mooncakes coupons(On September 21 perturbation,Makeup photos).Xinhua news agency reporters PeiXin perturbation
