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    9月25日,报告会后空军某部女战士和报告成员唐雪梅(前左三)等一起相互交流。当日,由中宣部、国家体育总局、全国总工会、共青团中央、全国妇联和中国残联联合主办的“残奥事迹报告会”在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。唐雪梅、张浩、徐元生、袁艳萍、范丽晶、李端等6名从伦敦残奥会载誉归来的残疾人运动员、教练员和残疾人体育工作者以其感人至深的事迹和超越自我、挑战极限、无私奉献的精神深深打动了现场每一位观众。在本届残奥会上,我国残疾人运动员自强不息、奋勇争先,以95枚金牌、231枚奖牌的骄人战绩,居金牌榜和奖牌榜首位,实现了残奥会金牌榜“三连冠”,创造了中国残疾人体育的新辉煌,为国家和民族赢得了巨大荣誉,也为党的“十八大”献上了一份厚礼。首场报告会后,报告团还将在北京大学、北京体育大学、北京林业大学等三所大学以及河南、江苏、广东、福建等省巡回报告。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     September 25,,The report after the meeting a female air force fighter and report TangXueMei members(Front left three)With mutual communication.On that day,By the propaganda department/State general administration of sport/The all-china federation of trade unions/The central committee of the communist/The all-china women's federation and China disabled persons' federations co-hosted"Paralympic deeds report"Was held in Beijing's great hall of the people.TangXueMei/,/XuYuanSheng/YuanYanPing/FanLiJing/LiDuan etc six from London honored sportspeople paralympic games of the disabled athletes/The coaches and the disabled sports workers with its touching deeds and surpass ourselves/Challenge the limit/The spirit of selfless devotion deeply moved every one of the audience.In the paralympic meeting,Our country the disabled athletes strive constantly for self-improvement/Strong for the first,With 95 gold MEDALS/231 MEDALS defensive record,In the world and the first medal tally,Realize the paralympic world"Three successive championships",China has created the disabled sports new brilliance,For the country and national won the great honor,Also for the party's"Eighteen big"Offered up a gift.First report after the meeting,BaoGaoTuan also will be in Beijing university/Beijing sports university/Beijing forestry university and other three universities and henan/jiangsu/guangdong/Fujian provinces touring report.Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation


    9月25日,报告团成员、女子坐式排球运动员唐雪梅(左一)在报告会上为来宾作报告。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     September 25,,BaoGaoTuan members/The woman seated volleyball athletes TangXueMei(Left a)In the meeting for guests give a report.Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation


    9月25日,报告团成员、田径运动员李瑞在报告会上为来宾作报告。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     September 25,,BaoGaoTuan members/LiRui track and field athletes in the meeting for guests give a report.Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation


    9月25日,报告会后报告团成员在一起合影。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄     September 25,,After the report BaoGaoTuan members together had a group photo taken.Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation
