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    9月30日,交警在济青高速济南北收费站指挥车辆出站。当日零时,重大节假日免收小型客车通行费政策正式实施。山东交警部门预计,“两节”期间,高速公路、国省道、城市周边公路及通往景区公路交通流量将大幅增加。因此,双节期间山东省公安交警一律停止休假,并组织万名交警全线上路,最大限度地把警力、车辆、装备投向路面,加强对车流、客流集中的高速公路、国省道以及旅游线路的巡逻管控,并将执勤警力向节假日首尾时段、景区路段倾斜。新华社记者 朱峥 摄     On September 30th,The traffic police in jinan-qingdao highway toll station jinan north command vehicle outbound.The zero hour,Major holidays will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls policy formal implementation.Shandong province is expected to the traffic police department,"two"period,highway/GuoShengDao/The city surrounding road and highway traffic flow to the scenic spot will be greatly increased.therefore,Double festival in shandong province during the public security police will be revoked vacation,And organize police on all fronts,Maximize the police/vehicle/Equipment to the pavement,To strengthen traffic/Passenger flow concentration of highway/GuoShengDao and tourist routes patrol control,And the police on duty to holiday time fore and aft/Scenic sections inclined.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhuZheng perturbation


    9月30日零点过后,京沪高速江桥收费站出城的车辆排成了长龙绵延数公里。新华社记者 凡军 摄     On September 30th after zero,The beijing-shanghai high-speed river's bridge toll station out of the city of vehicles in the long dragon extending several kilometers.Xinhua news agency reporters FanJun perturbation


    9月30日凌晨,京港澳高速公路北京杜家坎收费站的工作人员发放车辆通行卡。 新华社记者 李文 摄     On September 30th morning,The Hong Kong and Macao highway toll station of Beijing home du camp staff issue vehicle visa card. The xinhua news agency reporter when levin perturbation


     9月30日零点,江苏市民朴哲峰正在递交高速公路收费卡,他也成为免费通过京沪高速江桥收费站第一人。新华社记者 凡军 摄      On September 30th zero,Jiangsu citizens PiaoZheFeng are submitted highway charging CARDS,He also become free through the beijing-shanghai high-speed river's bridge toll station first.Xinhua news agency reporters FanJun perturbation


    9月30日早晨,小型客车免费通过吉(林)草(辽宁草市)高速吉林收费口。当日是中秋、国庆长假第一天,我国重大节假日免收小型客车通行费政策正式实施。长假期间,7座以下(含7座)小型客车免收高速公路通行费。新华社发(朱万昌 摄)     On September 30th morning,Mini-bus free through the auspicious(Lin)grass(Liaoning CaoShi)High speed ShouFeiKou jilin.The Mid-Autumn festival is/National Day long vacation first day,Major holidays in China will be exempted from the mini-bus tolls policy formal implementation.During the long holiday,The following seven seat(Contain 7 seat)Mini-bus from highway tolls.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhuWanChang perturbation)


    9月30日清晨,在南京二桥高速连接线上,出行的车辆排成了长龙。新华社发(王跃武 摄)     Early in the morning on September 30,,Two bridge in nanjing on high-speed connections,On the research of the vehicle in the long dragon.The xinhua news agency hair(WangYueWu perturbation)


     9月30日早晨,小型客车涌向沈(阳)海(口)高速大连后盐收费站。新华社发(刘德斌 摄)      On September 30th morning,Mini-bus flocked to shen(Yang)The sea(mouth)High speed after dalian salt Toll Gate.The xinhua news agency hair(LiuDeBin perturbation)


     9月30日零时,车辆免费通过宁通(南京至南通)高速公路十五里墩收费站。新华社发(庄文斌 摄)      On September 30th zero hour,Vehicle free through the ning-tong(From nanjing to nantong)Highway ten five pier Toll Gate.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhuangWenBin perturbation)
