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迎战“最长黄金周” 8天超7亿人次出行--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

迎战“最长黄金周” 8天超7亿人次出行 


    9月30日,在广西南宁市埌东汽车站候车大厅,大批旅客正在等待发车出行。当日是今年中秋国庆黄金周的第一天,也是中国高速公路对小型客车实行免费通行首日,全国各地客流、车流汹涌,各级有关部门正全面迎战“最长黄金周”。据介绍,2012年中国传统节日中秋节和国庆节连在了一起,连续8天的“最长黄金周”里,约有一半中国人——总计约7.4亿人次,要通过公路、铁路、民航等出行,创下同期出行新纪录,中国交通管理部门承受巨大压力。据预计,黄金周期间,中国公路水路客运量将达到6.6亿人次,日均8250万人次,较去年同期增长8.8%。铁路方面,长假出行高峰日甚至“不亚于春运”。9月27日至10月7日,全国铁路预计发送旅客7540万人,日均近700万人。除了史无前例的长假,全国公路小客车节假日免费通行政策的首度实施无疑将改变许多人出行的选择,这也将给“最长黄金周”带来不小的挑战。新华社记者 陆波岸 摄     On September 30th,In guangxi nanning Lang east bus station waiting hall,A large number of passengers are waiting for the departure travel.On that day this year National Day golden week is the first day of the Mid-Autumn festival,Is also the Chinese highway to mini-bus for free first passage,All parts of the country passenger flow/Traffic flow surge,Relevant departments at all levels are fully play"Longest golden week".According to introducing,In 2012, the Chinese traditional festival Mid-Autumn festival and National Day together,Eight days of"Longest golden week"in,About half of Chinese, total about 740 million passengers,The highway/railway/Civil aviation, the travel,Set a new record for the travel,The traffic administrative department of the China under great pressure.It is expected,During the golden week,China highway waterway passenger capacity will reach 660 million people,Average daily 82.5 million person-time,Compared to the same period last year growth of 8.8%.Railway aspects,Holiday travel peak day even"No less than Spring Festival transportation".On September 27, to October 7,,The national railway is expected to send 75.4 million passengers,Average of nearly 7 million people.In addition to an unprecedented long vacation,The national highway passenger car holidays toll free policy implementation first will no doubt change many people travel choice,This will give"Longest golden week"Bring a lot of challenges.Xinhua news agency reporters LiuBo bank shot

迎战“最长黄金周” 8天超7亿人次出行

    9月30日,北京西站桥人头攒动。新华社发(王全超 摄)     On September 30th,Beijing west railway station but devoid of bridge.The xinhua news agency hair(WangQuanChao perturbation)

迎战“最长黄金周” 8天超7亿人次出行

    9月30日,G50沪渝高速江北收费站前,出城方向的车流正有序排队通行。新华社记者 刘潺 摄     On September 30th,G50 Shanghai high-speed chongqing jiangbei charging station,The direction of the city traffic is orderly queue passage.The xinhua news agency reporter liu Chan perturbation
