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    这张拼版照片显示的是:8月30日,三峡水库水位降至迎汛水位时的情景(上图);10月2日,水位上涨超过170米后的三峡水库(下图)。 This picture shows a picture of pieces:On August 30,,Of the three gorges reservoir water level drop to meet the scene when water level of sin(the);On October 2,,The rise of water level in more than 170 meters after the three gorges reservoir(the).

    当日上午8时,三峡水库水位达到170.15米,创历史同期最高水位,这也意味着2012年三峡枢纽175米试验性蓄水自此进入“5米倒计时”,比往年提早了约10天。     Day 8 in the morning,Of the three gorges reservoir water level to 170.15 meters,Historically the highest water level,This also means that the three gorges project in 2012 175 meters into the experimental water storage since then"5 meters countdown",Earlier than usual for about 10 days.

    175米是三峡枢纽设计的正常蓄水位。三峡水库在每年汛末蓄水,以最大限度地发挥通航、发电、补水、抗旱等方面的综合效益。由于今年出现秋汛,加快了蓄水进程。根据国家防总《关于三峡工程2012年试验性蓄水实施计划的批复》,2012年三峡水库在前期调洪的基础上开始蓄水,逐步抬升水位,10月底或11月份争取蓄至175米。新华社发(郑家裕 摄)     175 meters is the three gorges project design of the normal storage level.In the three gorges reservoir every year at the end of the sin water,To maximize navigation/power/hydrating/Drought resistance of comprehensive benefit.This year QiuXun due to appear,To speed up the process of water.According to the national office[Three gorges project is about 2012 experimental storage implement plan written reply to a subordinate body],2012 years in the three gorges reservoir on the basis of the flood regulating start filling,Gradually lifted water level,The end of October or November for storage to 175 m.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhengGuYu perturbation)


    这张拼版照片显示的是:10月2日,工人在水位上升后的三峡坝前做清洁工作(上图);8月30日,三峡水库水位降至汛限水位后,工人在进行边坡治理(下图)。新华社发(郑家裕 摄)     This picture shows a picture of pieces:On October 2,,Workers in the water level rise after the three gorges dam before do some cleaning(the);On August 30,,Of the three gorges reservoir water level drop to after flood limit water level,Workers in the slope(the).The xinhua news agency hair(ZhengGuYu perturbation)


    这张拼版照片显示的是:8月18日,船只在三峡大坝上游湖北省秭归县沙湾锚地停靠等待过闸(上图);10月2日,船只在水位上升后的三峡大坝上游秭归县沙湾锚地停靠等待过闸(下图)。新华社发(郑家裕 摄)     This picture shows a picture of pieces:August 18,,Ships in the three gorges dam in hubei province upstream zigui county of yichang shawan anchorage call waiting for a brake(the);On October 2,,Ships in the water level rise after the three gorges dam upstream zigui county of yichang shawan anchorage call waiting for a brake(the).The xinhua news agency hair(ZhengGuYu perturbation)
