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    10月2日,大量游客在北京天安门广场游览。今年十一长假横跨中秋、国庆两节,历时八天,被网友誉为“史上最长黄金周”。“两节”长假旺盛的出游需求带来了游客潮的大集中。北京故宫、南京中山陵、陕西华山、山东泰山等传统热点景区出现客流“井喷”,规模震撼,到处摩肩接踵,人潮涌动,各大旅游城市接待游客人数不断刷新。除了以上常规“项目”外,十一黄金周适逢我国首次高速公路免费通行,伴随车辆的骤增和自驾游的普及,各地频现的道路大拥堵,也成为今年十一长假的另一大“火爆”景观。长假过半,这边“高速爬行”的话题还未降温,“挤爆”“排队”又成坊间热点。多位专家表示,从拥挤的交通到挤爆景区的人潮,种种现象都是国人“假日渴求”的表现。在这个堪称全民旅游的特殊时刻,人们追问:我们到底该做哪些准备,才能真正拥有轻松愉快的假期?新华社发(陈晓根 摄) On October 2,,A large number of tourists visit in Beijing's tiananmen square.Eleven long holiday this year across the Mid-Autumn festival/National Day two,For eight days,Be net friend as"The longest history of golden week"."two"Holiday travel exuberant demand brought tourists of centralization.Beijing the imperial palace/Nanjing sun yat-sen mausoleum/Shaanxi huashan/Mount tai in shandong traditional hot scenic spots appear passenger flow"blowout",Scale shock,Everywhere cheek by jowl,Surge of people,Major tourist cities receive visitors constantly refresh.In addition to the above normal"project"outside,Eleven golden week fall on/upon China's first highway toll free,With the vehicle's surge and the popularity of the navigator,All the big frequency road congestion,Eleven long holiday this year also become the another big"hot"landscape.Long vacation more than half,side"High-speed crawl"Topic is not cool,"Crowded detonation""queue"And into urban hot spot.Many experts say,From the crowded traffic to squeeze detonation the crowds,A variety of phenomena are americans"Holiday thirst for"performance.In this is a special time of the tourism,People ask:What are we should do what preparation,Can we truly have relaxed and happy holiday?The xinhua news agency hair(ChenXiaoGen perturbation)


10月3日,北京故宫博物院人头攒动。新华社发(王俊峰 摄) October 3,,But devoid of museum of Beijing the imperial palace.The xinhua news agency hair(WangJunFeng perturbation)


10月3日,来自全国各地的游客在南京中山陵景区游玩。 新华社发(孙忠南 摄) October 3,,The tourists from all over the country in nanjing sun yat-sen mausoleum scenic spot to play. The xinhua news agency hair(SunZhongNa perturbation)


10月1日,杭州西湖涌金桥上人头攒动。 新华社发(龙巍 摄) On October 1,,Hangzhou west lake chung on crowded at jinqiao. The xinhua news agency hair(LongWei perturbation)

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