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景区交通费 “鼻子大过头”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

景区交通费 “鼻子大过头”

    在辽宁盘锦红海滩景区游客们跳下观光车准备进入景点大门(2011年9月12日)。 目前,国内各大景区门票居高不下,但游客要是以为买了门票就能把景区看遍,那就错了。不少景区在门票之外还另有收费,如观光车费、索道费等。这些费用少则数十元,多则百余元。不少景点甚至“鼻子大过头”,逛遍景区的交通费已经超过了门票本身的费用。以嵩山少林景区为例:门票100元、两条登山索道费分别为40元和60元、往返电瓶车费20元。也就是说,要游完100元门票包含的景点,实际上要花220元。门票涨价,说是景区扩大、景点增加了,但游客如果选择不坐索道,一天根本不可能逛完所有景点,而景区又不具备过夜条件。据统计,在少林景区游客中,游完全部景点的不到5%。更有个别景区甚至人为设置障碍,有意将景区大门外挪,游客如果不买票乘坐电瓶车,将走很长一段无景可看的“冤枉路”,只得“忍痛”掏腰包。新华社记者 王颂 摄      In liaoning merchant red beach scenic spot,Tourists sightseeing jumped out of the car ready to enter the gate scenic spots(On September 12, 2011). At present,The domestic each big scenic spot ticket remains high,But tourists if thought bought tickets can look through the scenic spot,But it would be wrong to.A lot of scenic spots in the tickets outside still another charge,Such as tourist fare/Ropeway fee, etc.These costs less, dozens of yuan,, over yuan.Many attractions and even"Nose too big",Stroll through the transportation have more than the cost of the ticket itself.In songshan shaolin scenic area as an example:The 100 yuan tickets/Two mountain cableway fee for 40 and 60 yuan respectively/Round battery fare $20.That is,To the end of 100 yuan tickets include scenic spots,In fact have to spend 220 yuan.Ticket prices,Say scenic area to expand/Spots increased,But tourists if choose not to sit ropeway,One day is impossible to all attractions,And scenic spot and do not have the conditions for the night.According to the statistics,In the shaolin scenic tourists,Swim completely department spots of less than 5%.More individual scenic area and even human set obstacles,The intention to move the gate,If you don't buy a ticket tourists on battery car,Will go a long no scene to see"YuanWangLu",Had to"reluctantly"Dig down.Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation 

景区交通费 “鼻子大过头”

      在贵州凯里西江千户苗寨景区内,观光车辆在等候游客登山(2012年9月1日摄)。新华社记者 王颂 摄        Thousands of miao people in guizhou Carey xijiang scenic spot,Sightseeing vehicle waiting for visitors climbing(On September 1, 2012 perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation 

景区交通费 “鼻子大过头”

     这是在河南焦作某景区内运作的缆车(2012年10月12日)。新华社记者 王颂 摄      This is a scenic spot in henan jiaozuo in the operation of the cable car(On October 12, 2012).Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation
