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十年建设:循序渐进 奠稳基石--亲稳舆论引导监测室

十年建设:循序渐进 奠稳基石

    这是小湾电站500千伏送电线路(2009年9月11日摄)。云南小湾水电站是国家“西电东送”战略的标志性工程,总装机容量420万千瓦,总库容149亿立方米,6台机组全部投产可保证年发电量190亿千瓦时。到2011年底,我国发电装机容量已经发展到10.6亿千瓦。党的十六大以来,我国不断通过重大工程建设推动经济社会发展,促进区域经济协调发展。展望未来,一项项重大项目、科技专项的深入开展,在为国民经济又好又快发展奠定坚实物质基础的同时,必将为提高人民生活水平、优化产业结构、促进社会和谐发挥越来越重要的积极作用。新华社记者 吉哲鹏 摄      The xiaowan hydropower station is 500 kv transmission lines(On September 11, 2009 in the shot).Yunnan xiaowan hydropower station is the national"gingral"Strategy of the symbol of engineering,With a total installed capacity of 4.2 million kilowatts,With a total capacity of 14.9 billion cubic meters,6 units can guarantee all put into production in generation capacity of 19 billion kilowatt-hours.By the end of 2011,Our country power installed capacity have been developed to 1.06 billion kw.Since the 16th CPC national congress,Our country continuously through the major construction promote social and economic development,To promote the coordinated development of the regional economy.Looking to the future,One important project/Special in-depth development of science and technology,For the national economy and the rapid and healthy development lay a solid material foundation and at the same time,Will improve the people's living standards/Optimize industrial structure/Promote social harmony play more and more important positive role.Xinhua news agency reporters JiZhePeng perturbation 

十年建设:循序渐进 奠稳基石

    左上:在江西瑞昌,施工人员在西气东输二线工程长江盾构隧道中检查线路(2009年10月11日摄)。左下:中缅油气管道工程中国境内段在云南省安宁市正式开工(2010年9月10日摄)。右上:这是建设中的中哈原油管道国内段首站2号5万立方米储油罐(2005年8月4日摄)。右下:在黑龙江大庆,两名工人在中俄原油管道林源输油站内巡检(2011年1月10日摄)。过去10年,我国油气管网建设加速推进,形成由西气东输一线和二线、陕京线、川气东送为骨架的横跨东西、纵贯南北、连通海外的全国性供气网络。中哈原油管道全线贯通,中亚天然气管道、中俄原油管道已投入运营,中缅油气管道境内外全线开工建设。西北、东北、西南及海上四大油气进口战略通道格局初现。新华社发     Upper left:Most in jiangxi,Construction personnel in the second line of west-east gas engineering Yangtze river shield tunnel inspection line(On October 11, 2009 perturbation).Left lower:Burma in the oil and gas pipeline engineering section within the territory of China in yunnan province AnNingShi formally started(On September 10, 2010 perturbation).at:This is the construction of the china-kazakhstan crude oil pipeline, the domestic section head no. 2 50000 cubic meters of storage tank(On August 4, 2005 perturbation).Lower right:In heilongjiang daqing,Two workers in China and Russia crude oil pipeline, the LinYuan oil in station polling(January 10, 2011 perturbation).In the past 10 years,Oil and gas pipeline construction in China accelerates,Form the west-east gas transmission line and the second line/The shanxi-beijing line/Sichuan to east gas for skeleton things across/From south/Connected overseas national air supply network.In all, crude oil pipeline, the breakthrough,Central Asian gas pipeline/China and Russia crude oil pipeline has been put into operation,Burma in the oil and gas pipelines at home and abroad to start the construction.northwest/northeast/Southwest and offshore four big oil and gas import strategic channel pattern is beginning.The xinhua news agency hair

十年建设:循序渐进 奠稳基石

    这是准备入水的“蛟龙号”载人深潜器(2012年6月1日摄)。2012年7月16日,“蛟龙号”载人潜水器7000米级海试队伍凯旋。此次海试共完成6次下潜,下潜深度分别为6671米、6965米、6963米、7020米、7062米和7035米,不仅深度刷新了世界纪录,连续5次7000米级深潜同样为国际深潜树立了标杆。新华社记者 张旭东 摄     This is to prepare for the entry into the water"Dragon number"Manned DSV(On June 1, 2012 perturbation).July 16, 2012,"Dragon number"Manned submersible 7000 metre sea trial team triumph.The sea test were done 6 diving,Submergence depth respectively for 6671 meters/6965 meters/6963 meters/7020 meters/7062 m and 7035 m,Depth of not only set a world record,5 times in a row 7000 metre deep diving also for international immersion set up the pole.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhangXuDong perturbation

十年建设:循序渐进 奠稳基石

    汽车在厦门翔安海底隧道行驶(2010年4月26日摄)。近十年来,随着公路、铁路及市政建设的快速发展和技术水平的不断提高,一条条穿山隧道、入地隧道、穿江隧道、海底隧道、沙漠隧道相继贯通,我国隧道建设水平跻身世界前列。新华社记者 姜克红 摄     Cars in xiamen xiang Ann tunnel driving(On April 26, 2010 perturbation).Nearly 10 years,Along with the highway/Railway and municipal construction rapid development and the unceasing improvement of the level of technology,A wear mountain tunnel/Into the tunnel/Wear river tunnel/tunnel/Desert one after another through the tunnel,Our country tunnel construction level among the world.Xinhua news agency reporters JiangKeGong perturbation

十年建设:循序渐进 奠稳基石

    武警宜昌支队九中队官兵在三峡大坝前巡逻(2012年7月24日摄)。2012年7月24日,三峡水利枢纽迎来蓄水成库9年来的最强洪峰,峰值高达每秒7.12万立方米。面对历史罕见洪峰,三峡枢纽积极发挥防洪功能,有效拦水削峰。依托三峡工程,我国水电重大装备制造业探索了一条引进、消化吸收、再创新,并全面实现国产化的自主创新之路。新华社记者 肖艺九 摄     Armed police yichang team nine squadron officers and men in the three gorges dam former patrol(July 24, 2012 perturbation).July 24, 2012,The three gorges water conservancy hub have storage into library for nine years the strongest peak,Peak as high as 71200 cubic meters per second.To face up to history rare flood peak,The three gorges project to give full play to the flood control function,Effective LanShui peak clipping.Based on the three gorges project,China's hydropower major equipment manufacturing industry to explore an introduction/Digestion and absorption/Then the innovation,And achieve localization the road of independent innovation.Xinhua news agency reporters XiaoYi nine perturbation

十年建设:循序渐进 奠稳基石

    这是宁常(南京—常州)高速公路滆湖大桥(2008年10月17日摄)。过去十年间,我国高速公路网络建设加快推进,“五纵七横”12条国道主干线提前13年全部建成,西部开发8条省际通道基本贯通,一个覆盖城乡、便捷高效的公路交通网络初步形成。据统计,从2002年到2011年,我国公路总里程由176.52万公里增长到410.64万公里,其中高速公路由2.51万公里猛增至8.49万公里,跃居世界第二位。新华社记者 韩瑜庆 摄     This is better often(Nanjing - changzhou)Highway Ge lake bridge(October 17, 2008 perturbation).Over the past ten years,Our country highway network construction accelerate,"Five longitudinal and seven horizontal"Article 12 national main line 13 years completed in advance,The development of the western region article 8 provincial channel basic breakthrough,A covering both urban and rural areas/Efficient and highway traffic network preliminary formation.According to the statistics,From 2002 to 2011,Our country highway total mileage from 1.7652 million km to 4.1064 million km growth,The highway from 25100 kilometers shot up to 84900 kilometers,The second destinations in the world.Xinhua news agency reporters HanYuQing perturbation
