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    10月21日,在正式驾车上高速前,杭州市一位高速交警为驾驶员讲解注意事项。当日,杭州市高速公路交警第五大队在杭千高速公路上开展“高速新手训练营”活动,15位通过网络报名的新领驾驶证驾驶员或从未进入高速公路行驶的驾驶员参与了训练营。他们在高速交警一对一的陪同指导下进入杭千高速进行驾驶体验,在驾驶体验结束后,陪同交警会根据每个人的驾驶状况,进行总结指导,通过这种方式让他们能够尽快掌握高速公路安全行车知识,尽可能避免以后出现违规驾驶。公安部日前发布修订的《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》规定,2013年1月1日起,实习期驾驶人驾车上高速公路时,必须由持相应或者更高车型驾驶证3年以上的驾驶人陪同。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On October 21,,In formal driving on the former,Hangzhou a high-speed traffic police for driver explain the matters needing attention.On that day,Hangzhou highway traffic police brigade in the fifth hangqian highways development"High speed novice training camp"activities,15 through the network application of new brought a driver's license drivers or never enter the highway driving drivers participated in the training camp.They in the high-speed traffic police one-on-one accompanied guidance into hangqian highways for driving experience,After the end of the driving experience,Accompanied by the traffic police will according to each person's driving condition,Summarized guidance,In this way let them to master the safety of expressway traffic knowledge,As far as possible avoid later appeared illegal driving.The ministry of public security to released the revised[Motor vehicle driving license application and rules]provisions,January 1, 2013,Internship driver driving on the highway,Must by the corresponding models or higher driving license above 3 years accompanied by the driver.Xinhua news agency reporters JuHuanZong perturbation


    10月21日,杭州市高速交警第五大队的一位交警为参加训练营的车辆绑上蓝丝带。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On October 21,,Hangzhou high-speed traffic police brigade 5 a traffic police vehicles for the training camp tie a blue ribbon.Xinhua news agency reporters JuHuanZong perturbation


    10月21日,杭州市高速交警第五大队的一辆警车为参加“高速新手训练营”的新手驾驶员引路。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On October 21,,Hangzhou high-speed traffic police brigade 5 a police car to attend"High speed novice training camp"The novice driver guide.Xinhua news agency reporters JuHuanZong perturbation


    10月21日,杭州市高速交警第五大队的一位交警(右)陪同一位从未上过高速行驶的驾驶员进行驾驶体验。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On October 21,,Hangzhou high-speed traffic police brigade 5 a traffic police(right)Accompanied by a had never been speeding drivers are driving experience.Xinhua news agency reporters JuHuanZong perturbation


    10月21日,杭州市高速交警第五大队的一位交警(左)为一位结束训练的驾驶员讲解驾驶中存在的问题。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On October 21,,Hangzhou high-speed traffic police brigade 5 a traffic police(left)For a finished the training driver interpretation of the problems existing in the drive.Xinhua news agency reporters JuHuanZong perturbation
