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    10月26日凌晨,在兰州铁路局兰州客运段敦煌车队三组担当的列车上,49岁的值班员何翠兰在检查旅客行李摆放是否安全。何翠兰干客运工作已21年,明年3月份就要退休。“没干过客运工作不知道其中的乐趣,”乐观的何翠兰说,“旅客对我理解和赞扬,我就特别高兴!”兰州铁路局兰州客运段敦煌车队临近退休年龄的老职工达36人,这些经验丰富的老列车员们在最基层的客运一线工作已有几十年。如今,年近半百的老列车员们有的已经当上了奶奶、姥姥,体力也大不如年轻时,但她们在列车上仍旧严谨、乐观地坚守着自己的工作岗位,默默为南来北往的旅客服务。新华社记者 张锰 摄     October 26 morning,Lanzhou railway administration in lanzhou KeYunDuan dunhuang team three groups of bear on the train,49 years old man on duty HeCuiLan in passenger baggage check whether put safety.HeCuiLan dry passenger work has 21 years,In march next year will retire."Not done passenger work is not aware of the fun,"Optimistic HeCuiLan said,"The passenger to I understand and praise,I was especially happy!"Lanzhou lanzhou railway administration KeYunDuan dunhuang team nearing retirement age old worker of 36 people,The experienced old the conductre es in the most grass-roots passenger a line work for several decades.now,Nearly fifty years old the conductre es some have the grandma/grandmother,Physical strength is big also as when young,But they on the train is still rigorous/Optimistically clung to their jobs,Silent for the passenger service.The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation


    10月26日,在兰州铁路局兰州客运段敦煌车队三组担当的列车上,49岁的硬卧席列车员董娟(左)在给年轻列车员指导工作。董娟干了18年客运工作,经常听到有人说:“这个奶奶还在给咱们服务”。得到旅客的尊重,董娟就觉得心里暖洋洋的。新华社记者 张锰 摄     On October 26,,Lanzhou railway administration in lanzhou KeYunDuan dunhuang team three groups of bear on the train,49 hard sleeper seats DongJuan the conductor(left)The young conductor guidance.DongJuanGan for 18 years passenger work,Often hear someone say:"The grandma is still in to our service".Get the respect of the passengers,DongJuan will feel warm.The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation
