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    2012年7月24日晚8时许,三峡水利枢纽迎来蓄水成库9年来的最强洪峰,峰值高达每秒7.12万立方米。监测显示,洪峰通过时三峡枢纽建筑物、机组各项指标正常稳定。善治国者,必善治水。党的十六大以来,党中央、国务院始终把水利放在经济社会发展的突出位置,全面加快水利基础设施建设。这是努力构筑防汛钢铁长城的十年,三峡大坝抵挡建库以来最大洪水考验,29.4万公里堤防捍卫着人民生命财产安全这是福水润泽希望田野的十年,农田水利建设为全国粮食夺取“九连增”保驾护航。这是涓涓清泉流入百姓心田的十年,亿万百姓喝上安全水、放心水。伴随盛世兴水的伟大实践,我国可持续发展治水思路不断完善,以人为本、人水和谐成为华美乐章的主旋律。新华社记者 肖艺九 摄 On 24 July 2012 at about eight,The three gorges water conservancy hub have storage into library for nine years the strongest peak,Peak as high as 71200 cubic meters per second.Monitoring shows that,Peak by the three gorges project building/Unit each index normal stability.Confuciu good,Will good water conservancy.Since the 16th CPC national congress,The party central committee/The state council has always been the economic and social development of water conservancy in the outstanding position,Faster overall water conservancy infrastructure construction.This is to construct flood control and Great Wall of steel ten years,The three gorges dam withstand built since the library maximum flooding test,294000 km dikes defending the people's life and property safety.This is the blessing of the field water moist hope ten years,Construction of farmland irrigation and water conservancy for the national food take"Nine even increase"escort.This is mere spring into the hearts of the people of ten years,Hundreds of millions of people drinking water safety/FangXinShui.With the great practice of ChengShiXing water,China's sustainable development water conservancy thought constantly improve,people-oriented/Water harmonious become the theme of colorful movement.Xinhua news agency reporters XiaoYi nine perturbation



    云南省新平县费贾小学的孩子们在午饭前洗手(2011年12月15日摄)。自从2010年“母亲水窖”安全饮水进校园项目实施以来,学校里建起水冲厕所,安装了太阳能净水机。新华社记者 何俊昌 摄 Yunnan province XinPingXian fee jia primary school children to wash their hands before lunch(15 December 2011 perturbation).Since 2010"Mother cistern"Safe drinking water into campus since the implementation of the project,The school built in water to flush the toilet,Installed solar water purification machines.Xinhua news agency reporters HeJunChang perturbation



    鄱阳湖畔的江西省余干县瑞洪镇驾湖村农民在管理网箱养殖的鳝鱼(2012年9月9日摄)。近年来,余干县充分利用湖港、湖汊等水质好、无污染的水资源,大力推广网箱养鳝、鱼虾混养等特种养殖模式。目前,该县养殖基地的网箱已达到7万多个,每个网箱能给当地农民带来3000多元的年收入。新华社记者 周科 摄 The bank of the poyang lake in jiangxi province YuGanXian rui hong town coming lake village farmer in the management of aquaculture eels(On September 9, 2012 perturbation).In recent years,YuGanXian make full use of lake port/HuCha good water quality, etc/No pollution of the water resources,To popularize the cages to raise sturgeon/Such as polycultivation of the fish and shrimp and special cultivation mode.At present,The county of breeding base area has reached more than 70000,Every cages for local farmers can bring 3000 yuan annual income.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhouKe perturbation



    家住宁夏回族自治区固原市利民移民新村的杨德平和妻子马兰一起洗菜淘米(2011年1月18日摄)。自从搬进移民新村,他们全家不仅住上宽敞明亮的砖瓦房,还喝上了干净的自来水。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 In the ningxia hui autonomous region guyuan city and the immigrants of saemaul undong YangDe gentle wife maran wash dish with rice(On January 18, 2011 perturbation).Since moving to immigration saemaul undong,They not only family live on ZhuanWaFang capacious and bright,Drink on the clean water.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation
