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    11月1日,在十八大新闻中心大厅内,摆放着各种语言版本的介绍中国和中国共产党的图书,以便中外记者阅读和使用。 On November 1,,In the eighteenth big news in the center,Putting all kinds of language version of the introduction of the communist party of China and Chinese books,In order to read and use Chinese and foreign reporters.


    11月1日,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会新闻中心正式开始对外接待服务。新闻中心设在北京梅地亚宾馆,共设立9大功能区,包括新闻发布大厅、外国记者接待处、港澳台记者接待处、境内记者接待处、采访接待室、网络服务室、图片服务室、通信服务室和广播电视服务室。 On November 1,,China's communist party congress 18 news center officially began to foreign reception services.News center is located in Beijing MeiDeYa hotel,Set up a total of 9 big functions,Including the news release hall/Foreign journalists reception desk/Hong Kong, Macao reporters reception desk/Domestic reporter reception desk/Interview reception room/Network service space/Picture service space/Communication service space and radio and television service space.


    新闻中心将为前来采访十八大的香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区的记者和外国记者办理采访证件,受理采访申请,安排记者参加大会采访活动,并为记者采访报道提供便利的信息服务和必要的技术保障。 News center will come to interview the eighteenth big of the Hong Kong special administrative region/The Macao special administrative region/Taiwan journalists and foreign journalists to deal with interview documents,Accepts the interview application,Arrange reporter to interview the activities,And for reporters that provides convenient information services and the necessary technical support.新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


11月1日,三名工作人员在十八大新闻中心大厅内拍照留念。 On November 1,,Three staff in the eighteenth big news center hall photos as a souvenir.新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


这是十八大新闻中心大厅内部景象(11月1日摄)。 This is the eighteenth big news center hall within sight(On November 1 shot).新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


    11月1日,一名刚办理完采访证的外国电视台工作人员(着绿衣者)准备离开。     On November 1,,A just deal with the interview card of foreign television staff(Green with the)Preparing to leave.新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


11月1日,前往十八大新闻中心的人员在进门处接受安检。 On November 1,,To the eighteenth big news center personnel in the place that take the door to accept security.新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


这是十八大新闻中心大厅内部全景(11月1日摄)。 This is the eighteenth big news center hall internal panoramic(On November 1 shot).新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation
