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     这是黑龙江省双城市幸福乡一家院里晾晒的玉米(10月31日摄)。素有“中华大粮仓”之称的黑龙江省充分发挥近800个大型农机合作社作用,全省日平均出动劳动力近600万人次,出动各类收获机械8.5万台套,为秋粮抢收快收提供了装备保证。目前,黑龙江省大豆、薯类收获基本完毕,水稻、玉米收获进入最后阶段,秋收接近尾声。作为我国粮食生产第一大省,黑龙江省今年粮食总产量有望达1250亿斤以上,比上年增产近140亿斤。这意味着黑龙江省在实现粮食生产“九连增”目标的同时,连续五年平均增粮超百亿斤。新华社记者 王松 摄       This is ShuangChengShi in heilongjiang province XingFuXiang a yard air basks in corn(October 31 perturbation).Known as"The big barn"In heilongjiang province, give full play to nearly 800 a large farm machinery cooperative effect,The daily average out labor force of nearly 6 million people,Out of all kinds of harvest machinery 85000 sets,For autumn grain crops rush in the harvest fast charge provides equipment guarantee.At present,Heilongjiang soybean/Potato harvest the basic,rice/Corn harvest in the final stages,Near the end of the autumn harvest.As a big province in China's grain production first,This year in heilongjiang province total grain output is expected to reach more than 125 billion pounds,Compared with increase of nearly 14 billion jins.This means that in the implementation of food production in heilongjiang province"Nine even increase"Goals, and at the same time,Five consecutive years average increasing grain over ten billion jins.The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation 


     黑龙江省双城市幸福乡的农民在院里扒玉米(10月31日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄       Heilongjiang province XingFuXiang ShuangChengShi farmers in the yard grilled corn(October 31 perturbation).The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation 


     黑龙江省双城市希勤乡的农民在收割玉米(11月1日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄       Heilongjiang province ShuangChengShi and often township farmers in to harvest the corn(On November 1 shot).The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation 


     黑龙江省双城市幸福乡的农民在院里扒玉米(10月31日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄      Heilongjiang province XingFuXiang ShuangChengShi farmers in the yard grilled corn(October 31 perturbation).The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation
