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    11月5日,云南彝良洛泽河镇彝河村锅圈岩小学学生们排队取用“营养午餐”。位于云南彝良洛泽河镇彝河村的锅圈岩小学在彝良地震中损坏严重。如今,地震已经过去将近2个月,锅圈岩小学的孩子在震后建起的板房小学里恢复了正常的学习生活。走进水泥墙围绕的校园,孩子们朗朗的读书声从临时板房教室里传出。走过6间板房教室,一片不到180平方米的空间是学生们的运动场。他们在这里打乒乓球、做游戏,从旁边的厨房领取“营养午餐”。11月5日,中国红十字基金会表示将援建该小学,预计明年6月将完成1500平方米的校舍建设工程。届时,锅圈岩小学的孩子将正式告别板房,搬进新教室上课。新华社记者 孙瑞博 摄      On November 5,Yunnan YiLiang los ze river town yi river village pan ring rock elementary school students queue access"Nutritional lunch".Located in yunnan YiLiang los ze river town yi river village pan ring rock elementary school in YiLiang the earthquake damaged seriously.now,Earthquake has nearly two months,Pan ring rock primary school children in earthquake of built houses elementary school returned to normal study life.Into the cement around the campus,The children orotund loud from temporary houses spread in the classroom.Through six houses between classroom,A piece of less than 180 square meters of space is students' stadium.They are here to play table tennis/games,From next to the kitchen to receive"Nutritional lunch".On November 5,China Red Cross foundation says state will be the primary school,Next year is expected to June will complete 1500 square meters of building construction project.the,Pan ring rock primary school children will formally farewell board room,Moved into a new classroom.Xinhua news agency reporters SunRuiBo perturbation 


     11月5日,云南彝良洛泽河镇彝河村锅圈岩小学的学生们在课间休息时打乒乓球。新华社记者 孙瑞博 摄       On November 5,Yunnan YiLiang los ze river town yi river village pan ring rock primary school students in breaks to play table tennis.Xinhua news agency reporters SunRuiBo perturbation 


    11月5日,云南彝良洛泽河镇彝河村锅圈岩小学的一名学生在课堂上写作业。新华社记者 孙瑞博 摄     On November 5,Yunnan YiLiang los ze river town yi river village pan ring rock primary school students in the classroom writing assignments.Xinhua news agency reporters SunRuiBo perturbation
