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    改革开放给中国带来繁荣稳定和国际地位的提高,这不仅是党内、国内的共识,也是世界的共识。世界关注中国的改革,是因为中国的改革开放事业具有世界意义和全球影响力,牵系着中国乃至世界的未来。 Reform and opening brings China prosperity and stability and international status has improved,This is not only a party/Domestic consensus,The consensus of the world.The world focus on China's reform,Because of China's reform and opening-up has the world significance and global influence,Is set on China and the future of the world.


    十八大报告中,胡锦涛指出,全面建成小康社会,必须以更大的政治勇气和智慧,不失时机深化重要领域改革,坚决破除一切妨碍科学发展的思想观念和体制机制弊端,构建系统完备、科学规范、运行有效的制度体系,使各方面制度更加成熟更加定型。 In the eighteenth big report,Hu pointed out,Built in comprehensive well-off society,Must take greater political courage and wisdom,Take time by the forelock deepening reform important fields,Resolutely do away with all fetishes interfere with scientific development concept and system mechanism drawbacks,Construct system complete/Scientific and standardized/Effective operation of the system,Make the system more mature more finalize the design.


    11月10日,十八大代表朱清文在接受记者采访时说,破解三农难题必须依靠解放思想、改革创新,进一步解放农村劳动力,加快农产品市场化。 On November 10th,Eighteen big represents ZhuQingWen when accepting a reporter to interview,Crack problems concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers must rely on emancipating the mind/Reform and innovation,To further liberate the rural labor force,To speed up the agricultural product market.新华社记者 丁林 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters DingLin perturbation


    11月9日,十八大代表吴靖平在参加分组讨论时说,十八大报告明确指出了只有坚持改革开放才能真正把中国建成社会主义小康社会。     November 9,,Eighteen big represents WuJingPing in the group discussion, said,Eighteen big report clearly pointed out the only adhere to the reform and opening up can really turn China into a socialist well-off society.新华社记者 马占成 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters MaZhanCheng perturbation


    11月9日,十八大代表皮进军在接受记者采访时说,改革开放不仅让国家的经济腾飞,也给和他一样的农民工提供了一个施展身手的大舞台。21年来,他所在的装卸岗位,工作从过去单纯的体力劳动,不断向机械化、自动化转变,一批农民工依靠刻苦勤奋正走向国际舞台。     November 9,,Eighteen big represents skin march when accepting a reporter to interview,Reform and opening up not only let the country's economic boom,And he also gives the same migrant workers provide a cast a big stage.21 years,In his handling post,Work from the past simple physical labor,Constantly to mechanization/Automation transformation,A group of migrant workers rely on hard is to go into the international stage.新华社记者 王建华 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter hensing m. production perturbation


    11月9日,十八大代表王永涛在接受记者采访时说,他是一名来自沂蒙革命老区的基层代表。十八大报告中指出,加大对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区扶持力度。这让他这个基层代表深受鼓舞。老区人民生活的继续改善,必须依靠老区经济的发展,依靠改革开放的深入进行。     November 9,,Eighteen big represents WangYongTao when accepting a reporter to interview,He is a river bank Mongolia from old revolutionary base areas at the grass-roots level of representative.Eighteen big report,Strengthen the old revolutionary base areas/National regions/Border areas/Poor areas the support strength.It makes him the grassroots representative encouraged.Old revolutionary base areas of people's living standards continue to improve,Must depend on the development of old revolutionary base areas economy,Rely on the deepening of reform and opening up for.新华社记者 王建华 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter hensing m. production perturbation


    11月8日,十八大代表王栋在分组讨论时说,中国民营企业的发展离不开政策扶持,民营企业应该继续抓住改革开放的机遇,把自身做大做强。     On November 8th,Eighteen big represents WangDong said in the group discussions,Private enterprises in China's development is inseparable from policy support,Private enterprise should continue to seize the opportunity of reform and opening up,Own bigger and stronger.新华社记者 王建华 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter hensing m. production perturbation



    11月9日,十八大代表赵世洪在接受记者采访时说,河北省廊坊市坚持走改革开放之路,推进一系列发展思路加速转化为现实成果。新华社记者 王建华 摄   November 9,,Eighteen big represents ZhaoShiHong when accepting a reporter to interview,Langfang city in hebei province adhere to the road of the reform and opening up,Promote a series of development accelerated into real results.The xinhua news agency reporter hensing m. production perturbation
