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    胡锦涛在十八大报告中指出:“十年来,我们取得一系列新的历史性成就,为全面建成小康社会打下了坚实基础。我国经济总量从世界第六位跃升到第二位,社会生产力、经济实力、科技实力迈上一个大台阶,人民生活水平、居民收入水平、社会保障水平迈上一个大台阶,综合国力、国际竞争力、国际影响力迈上一个大台阶,国家面貌发生新的历史性变化”,全面小康社会渐行渐近。十八大代表、北京市朝阳区高碑店村党支部书记支芬说,按照现在的发展速度,2020年高碑店村里的1580个院将全部建成新小区,村集体收将达1亿元,全面小康的目标一定能如期实现。新华社记者 黄敬文 摄     Hu jintao in the eighteenth big report:"Ten years,We made a series of new historic achievement,Built for the comprehensive well-off society has laid a solid foundation.China's economic total amount from the world sixth jump to the second,Social productivity/Economic strength/Scientific and technological strength to step on a big step,People's standard of living/The income level of resident/Social security level to step on a big step,Comprehensive national strength/The international competitiveness/International influence to step on a big step,Countries face of the new historic change",The comprehensive well-off society gradually the line be asymptotically.Eighteen big represents/Beijing chaoyang district gaobeidian village party branch secretary a Finn said,According to the present development speed,In 2020 in the village gaobeidian 1580 yuan will be completed new district,Village collective charge will reach 100 million yuan,A comprehensive well-off society goal will come to fruition according to schedule.Xinhua news agency reporters HuangJingWen perturbation


    胡锦涛在十八大报告中指出:“十年来,我们取得一系列新的历史性成就,为全面建成小康社会打下了坚实基础。我国经济总量从世界第六位跃升到第二位,社会生产力、经济实力、科技实力迈上一个大台阶,人民生活水平、居民收入水平、社会保障水平迈上一个大台阶,综合国力、国际竞争力、国际影响力迈上一个大台阶,国家面貌发生新的历史性变化”,全面小康社会渐行渐近。十八大浙江省代表团代表雷洁畅说,浙江景宁县农村生态茭白卖出“猪肉价”,农民收入大幅提高,过上了梦寐以求的小康生活。新华社记者 黄敬文 摄     Hu jintao in the eighteenth big report:"Ten years,We made a series of new historic achievement,Built for the comprehensive well-off society has laid a solid foundation.China's economic total amount from the world sixth jump to the second,Social productivity/Economic strength/Scientific and technological strength to step on a big step,People's standard of living/The income level of resident/Social security level to step on a big step,Comprehensive national strength/The international competitiveness/International influence to step on a big step,Countries face of the new historic change",The comprehensive well-off society gradually the line be asymptotically.Eighteen big zhejiang province on behalf of the delegation LeiJieChang said,Zhejiang jingning county rural ecological water bamboo sell"Pork price",The farmers' income increase,Live the dream of a well-off life.Xinhua news agency reporters HuangJingWen perturbation


    胡锦涛在十八大报告中指出:“十年来,我们取得一系列新的历史性成就,为全面建成小康社会打下了坚实基础。我国经济总量从世界第六位跃升到第二位,社会生产力、经济实力、科技实力迈上一个大台阶,人民生活水平、居民收入水平、社会保障水平迈上一个大台阶,综合国力、国际竞争力、国际影响力迈上一个大台阶,国家面貌发生新的历史性变化”,全面小康社会渐行渐近。十八大河北省代表团代表赵勇在分组讨论时指出,十八大报告提出建成小康社会的宏伟目标,催人奋进。农村改革是小康社会建设的重点,积极推进城乡一体化是建设小康社会的重要抓手。新华社记者 饶爱民 摄     Hu jintao in the eighteenth big report:"Ten years,We made a series of new historic achievement,Built for the comprehensive well-off society has laid a solid foundation.China's economic total amount from the world sixth jump to the second,Social productivity/Economic strength/Scientific and technological strength to step on a big step,People's standard of living/The income level of resident/Social security level to step on a big step,Comprehensive national strength/The international competitiveness/International influence to step on a big step,Countries face of the new historic change",The comprehensive well-off society gradually the line be asymptotically.Eighteen big hebei province on behalf of the delegation: a group discussion in it,Eighteen big report built the grand goal of the well-off society,courageous.The rural reform is the focus of building well-off society,Actively promote the integration of urban and rural areas is the construction of the well-off society's important gripper.Xinhua news agency reporters RaoAiMin perturbation
