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重庆:公租房建设提速 惠及40余万群众--亲稳网络舆情监控室

重庆:公租房建设提速 惠及40余万群众 


    代素英(右一)带着外孙女在公租房小区内晒太阳(11月16日摄)。“我们现在住的房子是两室一厅,70多平米。”正在民安华福公租房小区带着外孙女晒太阳的代素英高兴地对记者说。民安华福公租房小区于2010年开工建设,今年9月开始入住,老家在重庆巴南区的代素英一家成为该小区的首批住户。日前,记者从重庆市城建委获悉,截至2012年9月底,重庆市已摇号配租公租房15.5万套,惠及40余万群众。已获配租的人群中,进城务工人员占50%左右,住房困难的城市居民占40%左右,大中专毕业生占10%左右。租住家庭九成以上属于低收入家庭。今年重庆主城区第二批公租房7个项目于近日集中开工,面积达441万平方米。今年,重庆市将完成12万套左右的公租房交房任务,加上2011年已交房的8万多套,共计可实现20万户居民入住。自2010年初开始,重庆市大规模建设公租房,规划用三年时间建设4000万平方米公租房,解决200万中低收入群体的住房困难问题。作为一项重大民生工程,重庆公租房建设目标是让符合条件的中低收入群体“应保尽保”,申请不受户籍制度限制,只要在重庆主城区没有产权房的都可以申请。新华社记者 李健 摄     Generation of prime British(right)With a granddaughter in male renting a house inside the village in the sun(November 16 perturbation)."We are now living house is two rooms one hall,More than 70 square meters."Are people happy anhua male renting a house village with a granddaughter sun generation of prime British happily told reporters.People anhua f and rent a house in the village construction began in 2010,September this year began to check in,Their hometown in chongqing banan generation of prime British a become the village of the first household.a,Reporters learned from the chongqing ChengJianWei,By the end of 2012 the end of September,Chongqing has wave number distribution and rent a house rent 155000 sets,40 to more than people.Already allocated rent the crowd,Migrant workers accounted for 50%,The housing difficulties of city residents accounted for 40%,College graduates accounted for 10%.Lodges the family more than ninety percent belong to low-income families.This year the second batch of main urban areas of chongqing and renting a house seven project in recently start concentration,Area of 4.41 million square meters.This year,Chongqing will finish around 120000 sets of male renting a house make a room task,By 2011, more than 80000 sets have make a room,A total of 200000 households can be realized in.Since early 2010,Chongqing large-scale construction and renting a house,Planning with three years to build 40 million square meters and renting a house,Solve 2 million low-income housing difficulties.As a significant livelihood of the people project,Chongqing and renting a house construction goal is to meet the conditions of the middle income group"Should defend the",Application from the household registration system limit,As long as the main urban areas in chongqing no property right of all can apply for.Xinhua news agency reporters li perturbation

重庆:公租房建设提速 惠及40余万群众

    这是重庆民安华福公租房小区(11月16日摄)。 新华社记者 李健 摄     This is the chongqing people anhua f and renting a house village(November 16 perturbation). Xinhua news agency reporters li perturbation
