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    11月19日是文物保护法颁布实施30周年的日子。在看到我国文物保护事业纳入法制轨道的同时,城市建设和旅游开发破坏文物甚至走私贩卖文物等违法犯罪行为屡禁不止,暴露出文物保护令人堪忧的现实。近些年来,各地不时传出名人故居屡遭“保护性拆除”、“维修性拆除”,令社会深感忧虑。如此种种问题背后,还暴露出地方相关部门对文物保护重视不够。嘴上说重视,但遇到文物保护与发展开发出现矛盾时,保护文物就容易出现动作变形。为了给新开的公路让道,云南大理古城墙不也同样拆了吗?全国不可移动文物消失,有不少就是毁在地方政府的开发之手。新华社记者 冯印澄 作 On November 19, the protection of cultural relics is promulgated for implementation of the 30th anniversary of the day.In view of our country undertakings for the protection of cultural relics into the orbit of legal system and at the same time,Urban construction and tourism development of cultural relics destroyed even trafficking cultural relics and other illegal and criminal behavior repeatedly endures more than,Exposed a lot of cultural relics protection of reality.In recent years,Spread all over the former residence of famous person from time to time by repeatedly"Protective demolition"/"Maintainability demolition",Make society was deeply worried.So back problems,Also exposed the place related departments do not pay enough attention to the protection of cultural relics.Say attention,But meet the protection of cultural relics and development development when contradictory,For the protection of cultural relics is prone to action deformation.In order to give the new open highway way,Yunnan Dali ancient city wall not also open?Do not remove the national cultural relics disappear,There are many is destroyed in the development of the local government of the hand.Xinhua news agency reporters FengYin still be
