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    这是内蒙古庆华循环经济工业园(国家级循环经济试点单位)采用一步法工艺的甲醇制芳烃装置。该装置总投资3.5亿元,年产芳烃10万吨,于2012年2月建成投产(11月20日摄)。近年来,内蒙古自治区依托丰富的自然资源,积极落实产业转型升级和节能减排政策,全力推进循环经济建设。据统计,截至2011年底,全区共有62个工业循环经济试点示范园区,其中,国家级循环经济试点单位7个,自治区级循环经济试点单位55个,涵盖煤炭、电力、钢铁等多个资源型产业,循环经济产业发展势头良好,经济增长的质量和效益不断提高。新华社记者 刘懿德 摄     This is the Inner Mongolia QingHua circular economy industrial park(The national circulating economy pilot unit)Using one-step process of methanol system aromatic device.The device with a total investment of 350 million yuan,With an annual production capacity of 100000 tons of aromatics,In February 2012 completed and put into operation(On November 20th perturbation).In recent years,Inner Mongolia autonomous region rely on abundant natural resources,Actively carry out transformation and upgrading of industry and energy conservation and emission reduction policy,Spare no efforts to promote the circulation economic construction.According to the statistics,By the end of 2011,The 62 industrial circular economy pilot demonstration garden,the,The national circulating economy pilot unit 7,Autonomous region level circular economy pilot unit 55,Covers coal/power/Iron and steel, and other resources industry,Circular economy industry development momentum is good,The quality and efficiency of economic growth continuously improve.Xinhua news agency reporters LiuYiDe perturbation


    这是内蒙古庆华循环经济工业园(国家级循环经济试点单位)年处理113万吨的污水生化处理站。经过处理的工业和生活污水均可达到国家污废水综合排放一级标准(11月20日摄)。新华社记者 刘懿德 摄     This is the Inner Mongolia QingHua circular economy industrial park(The national circulating economy pilot unit)Years of processing 1.13 million tons of wastewater biochemical treatment plant.After treatment of industrial and living sewage all can meet the national discharge waste water pollution comprehensive level standard(On November 20th perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters LiuYiDe perturbation


    这是内蒙古庆华循环经济工业园(国家级循环经济试点单位)年处理113万吨的污水生化处理站。经过处理的工业和生活污水均可达到国家污废水综合排放一级标准(11月20日摄)。新华社记者 刘懿德 摄     This is the Inner Mongolia QingHua circular economy industrial park(The national circulating economy pilot unit)Years of processing 1.13 million tons of wastewater biochemical treatment plant.After treatment of industrial and living sewage all can meet the national discharge waste water pollution comprehensive level standard(On November 20th perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters LiuYiDe perturbation
