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山西“还债局长”重病住院 社会各界爱心集结点燃希望--亲稳舆论引导监测室

山西“还债局长”重病住院 社会各界爱心集结点燃希望

    11月21日,在山西省运城市中心医院,胡丙申的妻子王金梅为丈夫活动手腕。记者从山西省运城市中心医院了解到,备受社会关注的“还债局长”胡丙申因患肺癌晚期住进该院接受治疗,目前病情基本稳定,但身体虚弱不适合化疗。胡丙申,山西夏县人,在担任山西夏县乡镇企业局局长期间,为了帮助当地发展乡镇企业,以个人名义先后为19户农民担保借贷69万多元资金,后因为部分农民破产无法还债,胡丙申自己背上了39万元债务。退休后,胡丙申没有逃避,而是毅然选择打工还债。10年间,他摆过地摊卖对联、卖鞭炮,开过饭馆、理发店,搞过养生馆,经营过小商店,甚至给人做饭、剃头......终于在2010年元旦还完了最后一笔债务。2011年9月份,胡丙申正式结束打工生活,回到夏县老家安享晚年,两个多月后检查出患上肺癌。胡丙申接受肺癌治疗后,运城市和夏县的地方领导纷纷前往慰问,为其捐款,夏县的多个政府部门也主动为胡丙申捐款。在网络上,“还债局长”胡丙申因肺癌晚期住院的消息也引起了网民们的关注。许多网友通过微博纷纷献上祝福,并呼吁大家为其募捐治疗所需的费用。新华社记者 詹彦 摄     On November 21st,In Shanxi Province transport city center hospital,HuBingShen wife for her husband activities WangJinMei wrist.Reporters from the Shanxi Province transport city center hospital to know,The social concern"Debt service director"HuBingShen because suffer from lung cancer late live in the hospital for treatment,At present basically stable condition,But the body weak is not suitable for chemotherapy.HuBingShen,Shanxi people based,As a town enterprise based in shanxi during the director,In order to help the local development of township and village enterprises,With individual name has 19 family farmers guarantee lending 690000 multivariate money,Because part after farmers bankruptcy can't pay your debts,HuBingShen myself under the $390000 debt.After retirement,HuBingShen no escape,But chose resolutely work to discharge.10 years,He threw a pendulum sell couplet/Sell firecracker,Open a restaurant/barbershop,Done for keeping in good health museum,To run a small shop,Even give a person to cook/Shave...Finally in 2010 New Year's day is finished the last a debt.In September in 2011,HuBingShen officially ended work life,Back to hometown based, an old lady,More than two months after check out the suffering from lung cancer.HuBingShen accept lung cancer after treatment,Transport city based and the local leaders are going sympathy,For their contributions,The more the government department is based on the HuBingShen donation.On the network,"Debt service director"HuBingShen for lung cancer late hospital news also has caused the people's attention.Many users through the micro bo have offered the blessing,And called on all for its collection of the cost of treatment.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhanYan perturbation

山西“还债局长”重病住院 社会各界爱心集结点燃希望

11月21日,胡丙申的大儿子胡学功在陪父亲聊天。新华社记者 詹彦 摄 On November 21st,HuBingShen eldest son HuXueGong with father chat.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhanYan perturbation
