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百分爱 零歧视--亲稳网络舆情监控室

百分爱 零歧视


    11月30日,安徽省马鞍山市含山县疾控中心与该县第一中学联合开展预防艾滋病宣传教育活动,学生们在手上绘出红丝带图案并做出“零”手势,以呼吁人们“行动起来,向‘零’艾滋迈进”。 On November 30,,Anhui province HanShanXian maanshan CDC and the county first school combine to prevent AIDS public education activities,The students in the hand draw red ribbon design and make"zero"gestures,To appeal to people to"action,to‘zero’Towards AIDS".


    当日,全国各地举行多种多样的以艾滋病防治为主题的宣传活动,迎接12月1日第25个世界艾滋病日的到来。今年的主题是:行动起来,向“零”艾滋迈进。新华社发(程千俊 摄) On that day,All parts of the country with a variety of HIV/AIDS prevention and control as the theme of the propaganda activity,To meet the 25th December 1, a world AIDS day.This year's theme is:action,to"zero"Towards AIDS.The xinhua news agency hair(ChengQianJun perturbation)

百分爱 零歧视

    11月30日,安徽省马鞍山市含山县疾控中心与该县第一中学联合开展预防艾滋病宣传教育活动,学生们在宣传画布上书写各自的“抗艾宣言”并签名。新华社发(程千俊 摄)     On November 30,,Anhui province HanShanXian maanshan CDC and the county first school combine to prevent AIDS public education activities,The students in the propaganda canvas writing their"Anti moxa declaration"And signature.The xinhua news agency hair(ChengQianJun perturbation)

百分爱 零歧视

    11月30日,重庆市科创职业学院在校园开展主题为“遏制艾滋 履行承诺”的预防艾滋病宣传活动。学生们进行现场“行为艺术”展示,呼吁人们消除对艾滋病感染者的歧视。新华社发(陈仕川 摄)     On November 30,,Chongqing kechuang vocational college in the campus development theme"Stop AIDS the promise"Prevention AIDS propaganda activity.The students on the site"Behavior art"show,Called on people to eliminate discrimination against people infected with HIV.The xinhua news agency hair(ChenShiChuan perturbation)

百分爱 零歧视

    11月30日,台北市开南高级商工职业学校举行防治艾滋病宣传活动,近千名师生身穿红衣在操场上排出大型红丝带图案。新华社发(吴景腾 摄)     On November 30,,Please note this Taipei open south senior vocational school held the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS campaign,Nearly students and teachers dressed in red on the playground discharge large red ribbon pattern.The xinhua news agency hair(WuJingTeng perturbation)

百分爱 零歧视

    11月30日,江苏省南通市崇川区任港街道任港社区志愿者们佩戴红丝带,点燃了用400支蜡烛摆成的“防艾”红丝带标志,号召人们行动起来,增加对艾滋病患者的关爱,减少对他们的歧视。新华社发(许丛军 摄)     On November 30,,Jiangsu nantong ChongChuanOu as port street as Hong Kong community volunteers to wear red ribbon,Lit up with 400 candles pendulum into"AIDS"Red ribbon marks,Called on people to action,Add to the love of AIDS patients,To reduce their discrimination.The xinhua news agency hair(XuCongJun perturbation)

百分爱 零歧视

    11月30日,河北省邯郸市在永年县开展世界艾滋病日宣传咨询服务活动。这是参加活动的健康服务志愿者相互佩戴红丝带。新华社发(郝群英 摄)     On November 30,,Hebei yongnian handan city in the world AIDS day to carry out publicity and consultation service activities.This is going to take part in the activities of the health service volunteers mutual wear red ribbon.The xinhua news agency hair(HaoQunYing perturbation)

百分爱 零歧视

    11月30日,湖北省十堰市医药卫生学校学生在校园内展示自己制作的红丝带。新华社发(曹忠宏 摄)     On November 30,,The hubei province medical health school students on campus show yourself making red ribbon.The xinhua news agency hair(CaoZhongHong perturbation)
