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    这是浙江温岭“最牛钉子户”房屋拆除现场(12月1日摄)。拆除的前提是“依法”和“协商”。党的十八大报告明确要求统筹各方面利益关系,特别强调要协调、保障群众切身利益,畅通和规范诉求表达渠道。这些论述,无不体现了现阶段深化改革的一个关键指向:调整利益格局,促进社会公平正义。记者在基层调查发现,当前各地经济社会发展出现的各种矛盾问题,多数源于利益失衡。改革开放三十多年来,一些地方偏重利益创造,忽视利益的合理分配与畅通表达,在一定范围内导致了利益冲突。事实证明,利益失衡的发展不是可持续的发展。在物质生活日趋富足的今天重建利益平衡,不能仅限于经济领域,保障民众政治、文化、精神等各方面权益是应有之义。新华社记者 韩传号 摄      This is the zhejiang wen"Most cow tartar"Demolition field(December 1st shot).Is the premise of demolition"According to law"and"consultation".The party's eighteen big reports clear requirements to plan as a whole the interest relations,Special emphasis on wants to coordinate/Safeguard the vital interests of the people,Clear and standardize the channels for the expression of appeal.The paper,All show of the present stage of deepening the reform of a key point:Adjustment benefit pattern,Promote social fairness and justice.Reporters at the grass-roots level survey found,The current the local economic and social development of various contradictions appear problem,Most from unbalance of benefit.Reform and opening up 30 years,Some places emphasis on interests to create,Ignore the interests of the reasonable distribution and clear expression,Within the scope of certain and led to conflicts of interest.Facts have proved,The development of the unbalance of benefit is not sustainable development.In the increasingly rich material life today reconstruction of balancing of interests,Not limited to the economic field,Security of the people's political/culture/Spirit and so on various aspects' equity is the proper meaning.Xinhua news agency reporters HanChuanHao perturbation 


    这是南京市“阶梯气价”听证会现场(8月22日摄)。新华社记者 韩瑜庆 摄     This is nanjing"Step gas price"Hearing the(August 22 perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters HanYuQing perturbation


    白庙乡工作人员在乡政府政务公开栏前介绍白庙乡财务公开情况(2010年9月14日摄)。新华社记者 李响 摄     BaiMiao township township government personnel in government affairs GongKaiLan introduced before BaiMiao township financial public situation(On September 14, 2010 perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters li perturbation
