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    洛泽河镇毛坪中心小学学生在排队打饭(12月14日摄)。12月14日记者来到在9月7日地震中受损严重的云南彝良县洛泽河镇毛坪中心小学,了解震后孩子们的学习和生活情况。刚进校园,就听见孩子们朗朗的读书声从临时板房教室里传出。旁边的教学楼已成危房,一些工人在忙于排危修复工作。整齐的板房教室旁,一片空地就是学生们的运动休闲场地。中午时分,学生们可以享用“免费午餐”,米饭管够,三菜一汤。据毛坪中心小学的校长季兴领介绍,该校共有1108名学生,目前全部在临时板房教室里上课,教学秩序已经恢复正常。昭通彝良“9·7”地震造成当地294所学校(含教学点)不同程度受损,涉及学生94861人。记者从当地教育部门了解到,12月5日,彝良县29所学校的恢复重建工作已经正式启动,其余学校的校舍修复工程也正在紧张进行中,争取于2013年下半年全面完成,让孩子们告别板房,搬进新教室上课。新华社记者 蔺以光 摄     Los ze river town MaoPing center primary school students in line up for canteen meals(Taken on December 14,).On December 14, the reporter comes to on September 7, in the earthquake damaged serious yunnan YiLiangXian los ze river town MaoPing center primary school,After understanding the children's learning and life.Just enter the campus,I heard the loud children lang lang from temporary houses spread in the classroom.Next to the building has become a dangerous house,Some of the workers in the busy row are repair work.In the classroom of the board of the side,A piece of space is students' sports leisure venues.At midday,Students can enjoy"Free lunch",Rice tube enough,Three vegetables a soup.According to MaoPing center elementary school principal JiXing collar is introduced,A total of 1108 students in the school,At present all in temporary houses in class,Teaching order has returned to normal.YiLiang zhaotong city"September 7"The earthquake caused local 294 schools(Including teaching school)Different degree damage,Involving students 94861 people.Reporters from the local education department to know,On December 5,,YiLiangXian and school of restoration and reconstruction work has been officially launched,The rest of the school building repair engineering are also nervous process,In the second half of 2013 for completion,Let the child to bid farewell to the board,Moved into a new classroom.The xinhua news agency LinYiGuang perturbation


    洛泽河镇毛坪中心小学的板房教室(12月14日摄)。新华社记者 蔺以光 摄     Los ze river town MaoPing center primary school board of the classroom(Taken on December 14,).The xinhua news agency LinYiGuang perturbation


    洛泽河镇毛坪中心小学的学生在临时板房教室里上课(12月14日摄)。新华社记者 蔺以光 摄     Los ze river town MaoPing center primary school students in temporary houses in class(Taken on December 14,).The xinhua news agency LinYiGuang perturbation


    洛泽河镇毛坪中心小学的学生在课间休息(12月14日摄)。新华社记者 蔺以光 摄     Los ze river town MaoPing center primary school students in the break(Taken on December 14,).The xinhua news agency LinYiGuang perturbation
