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    12月18日,一艘船舶的驾驶员在驾驶舱内参考长江电子航道图(2.0版)在水雾弥漫的长江航道重庆段水域上航行。桥区预报、航路调整、可航水深、航向以及航速……日前,随着长江电子航道图(2.0版)在渝投入试运行,长江航运电子地图替代传统纸质航行参考图的“数字航运”技术起步发展。安装长江电子航道图(2.0版)的船舶,如同安装了“GPS导航”的汽车一样,系统会实时监测长江“路况”随时提醒,为长江上的行轮提供准确的助航标志、水深数据、地物地貌等航行信息,设计最佳航线并保证其安全航行。长江电子航道图的研制始于2007年;2008年,我国第一段数字航道——全长369.5公里的长江下游南(京)浏(河口)段数字航道全面完成并投入使用;2009年,长江干线2687.8公里航道的电子航道图全线贯通;2011年12月22日,长江电子航道图(1.0版)正式投入试用。新华社记者 刘潺 摄 12 months and days,A ship driver in the cockpit of the Yangtze river waterway reference electronic map(Version 2.0)In the water mist diffuse the Yangtze river waterway chongqing section water on navigation.Flyover forecast/Route adjustment/Navigable water depth/Course and speed...a,As the Yangtze river electronic channel map(Version 2.0)Put into operation in chongqing,The Yangtze river shipping electronic map is used to replace the traditional paper navigation reference map"Digital shipping"Technology development started.Install the Yangtze river electronic channel map(Version 2.0)ship,As the installation"GPS navigation"Car as,The system can real-time monitor the Yangtze river"traffic"Keep reminding,For the Yangtze river on the road wheel provide accurate navigation mark/Depth data/Physiognomy and navigation information,The optimal design of the route and guarantee the safe navigation.The Yangtze river electronic channel map development began in 2007;In 2008,,China's first period of digital channel - 369.5 km south of the Yangtze river downstream(Beijing)clear(estuary)Period of digital channel completed and put into use;In 2009,,The Yangtze river main 2687.8 kilometers waterway electronic channel map all through;On December 22, 2011,The Yangtze river electronic channel map(Version 1.0)Formally put into trial.Xinhua news agency reporter liu Chan perturbation



    12月18日,长江朝天门航道寸滩班组的工作人员操作着专业GPS设备,在岸边测量点测量当日的水位数据,为长江电子航道图(2.0版)提供数据更新。新华社记者 刘潺 摄 12 months and days,The Yangtze river ChaoTianMen channel "beach team staff operating the professional GPS equipment,On the shore measuring point measuring the water level of the data,For the Yangtze river electronic channel map(Version 2.0)Provide data update.Xinhua news agency reporter liu Chan perturbation



    这是船舶上的接收终端显示的实时航道电子地图(12月18日摄)。新华社记者 刘潺 摄 This is the ship on the receiving end of the display real-time navigation electronic map(December and perturbation,).Xinhua news agency reporter liu Chan perturbation
