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    12月19日,甘肃通渭县常河镇阳坡村养殖户张转琴抱着刚刚做完检查的小羊羔。今年以来,甘肃省通渭县积极推广“投羊还羔”养殖模式,帮助农民提高经济收入。通渭县4月份成立了牧业农民合作社,入社会员交1200元押金就可以领到一只小尾寒羊基础母羊,每只基础母羊年产2胎,胎产2至6只羊羔。农民只需向合作社交付1只羊羔,其余羊羔合作社实行订单收购,三年期满后合作社将母羊无偿赠送给农民并退还押金。“一头牛一天至少喝30斤水,而羊一天有3斤水就够了,加上用廉价的玉米秸秆做饲料,收益很可观。”养殖户张转琴说。她从合作社领回来20只基础母羊,其中7只母羊已经产仔16只,除了上交合作社的羊羔,收入达1万余元。目前,当地已有800多户农民领到了5100多只基础母羊。新华社记者 陈斌 摄 December 19,,Gansu tongwei ChangHe town sunny slope village farmers turn zhang harp hold just finish inspection of the lamb.Since this year,Gansu province tongwei positive promotion"Cast sheep also lamb"Cultivation mode,To help farmers increase income.Tongwei April established animal husbandry farmers cooperatives,Into the social member pay 1200 yuan deposit can receive a little tail cold sheep ewes basis,One with an annual capacity of 2 tire based ewes,Births 2 to 6 lamb.Farmers cooperatives is only required to deliver a lamb,The rest of the lamb cooperatives to purchase order,After the expiry cooperatives which will be free gifts to the farmers and return the deposit."One day a cow drink at least 30 jins of water,And the sheep for a day three catties water is enough,Add with cheap corn straw do feed,Income is very considerable."Farmers turn zhang Kim said.She brought back from the cooperative basis only twenty ewes,Among them 7 ewes have litter and only,In addition to the cooperative in the lamb,Income of more than 10000 yuan.At present,Local farmers more than 800 households received more than 5100 only basic ewes.The xinhua news agency ChenBin perturbation



    12月19日,甘肃通渭县常河镇阳坡村养殖户张转琴在给基础母羊投食。新华社记者 陈斌 摄 December 19,,Gansu tongwei ChangHe town sunny slope village farmers turn zhang harp in foundation TouShi ewes.The xinhua news agency ChenBin perturbation



    12月19日,甘肃通渭县常河镇阳坡村养殖户张转琴(左)在向定期前来指导的牧业合作社负责人咨询养殖技术。新华社记者 陈斌 摄 December 19,,Gansu tongwei ChangHe town sunny slope village farmers turn a harp(left)In the regular to guide animal husbandry cooperatives officer at breeding techniques.The xinhua news agency ChenBin perturbation
