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   在怀远县古城乡,当地菜农在采摘大白菜,以每斤0.3元的价格卖给蔬菜专业合作社(12月18日摄)。 In HuaiYuanXian GuChengXiang,Local farmers are in picking Chinese cabbage,Per catty 0.3 yuan price sell vegetables professional cooperatives(December and perturbation,).

    11月份以来,安徽省怀远县、五河县等地的数十万亩早熟大白菜集中上市,因销路不畅造成菜农贱卖白菜的现象,白菜地头价格一度低至几分钱一斤却无人问津。进入12月份,随着天气转冷,晚熟白菜的价格开始出现转机,菜贱伤农的局面得以缓解。然而大白菜的零售价却一直居高不下,而且有进一步攀升的趋势。     Since November,HuaiYuanXian in anhui province/WuHeXian, hundreds of thousands of acres of early Chinese cabbage concentration listed,Because of the market by offering farmers are not free the phenomenon of Chinese cabbage,Chinese cabbage field once the price down to a few cents a kilo is deserted.In December,As the weather turns cold,Late Chinese cabbage price began to turn,Food base hurt farmers to ease the situation.The retail price of Chinese cabbage, however, have been high,And there are further rising trend.

    连日来,记者从白菜地头到蔬菜专业合作社,再从大型农贸批发市场到蔬菜零售摊点,用镜头记录了白菜的涨价过程。     For the last few days,Reporters from cabbage turnrow to vegetables professional cooperatives,And from large vegetable wholesale market to vegetable retail roadway,Using the lenses to record the cabbage in the process.

    记者在安徽省怀远县荆芡乡和古城乡白菜地看到,当地菜农以每斤0.3元的价格将采摘的白菜卖给蔬菜专业合作社,经过合作社的打捆包装,每斤白菜的价格上涨为0.32元。合作社再租用卡车将包装好的蔬菜运送到100多公里外的合肥周谷堆农产品批发市场经纪人处,人工装卸、运输费用及进场费使大白菜的价格上涨为每斤0.38元。在周谷堆市场,经纪人以每斤0.45-0.5元的价格卖给零售商。而在合肥市的普通农贸菜市场,白菜最终以每斤1.3元左右的价格出售给消费者。几经转手,大白菜的价格从每斤0.3元涨到每斤1元多,特别是最后零售商到消费者“最后一公里”,大白菜身价翻一番。     Reporter in anhui province HuaiYuanXian schizonepeta township and stir GuChengXiang cabbage to see,Local farmers are per catty 0.3 yuan price will be picked cabbage sell vegetables professional cooperatives,Through cooperative bundling packaging,Each jins cabbage prices is 0.32 yuan.Cooperatives to hire truck will pack a good vegetables shipped to more than 100 kilometers zhougudui agriculture products market agent place,Manual handling/Transportation cost and approach fee make Chinese cabbage prices per catty 0.38 yuan.In the zhougudui marketplace,Agent per catty 0.45 0.5 yuan price sell to retailers.And in hefei general farmer's markets,Chinese cabbage final per catty 1.3 yuan price sold to consumers.Changed hands several times,The price of Chinese cabbage from each jins of 0.3 yuan per catty up to more than 1 RMB,Especially the last retailers to consumers"The last one kilometer",Chinese cabbage is worth double.

    在合肥市芙蓉农贸市场,记者就“最后一公里,白菜价格翻一番”的原因询问了蔬菜摊主。一些摊主告诉记者,大白菜经过长途运输挤压后最外的几层叶子不能销售而产生了消耗,每月2000多元的摊位费和进货运输成本也需要摊入菜价,否则无法盈利。     In hefei lotus farmers markets,Reporters were"The last one kilometer,Chinese cabbage double the price"Reason asked vegetable vendors.Some vendors told reporters,Chinese cabbage after long distance transportation extrusion after the outer layers of leaves cannot sell and produce the consumption,2000 yuan a month for employers and purchase transportation cost also need to stand the vendors,Otherwise you won't profit.

    为了解决蔬菜流通中间环节过多的问题,合肥市已陆续在一些居民区设立了蔬菜社区直销店和蔬菜直销车,以期通过直销的形式减少流通环节,降低菜价。 新华社记者 刘军喜 摄     In order to solve the vegetables circulation of the intermediate links too many questions,Hefei in some residential areas have been set up vegetables community ZhiXiaoDian and vegetables direct selling cars,In order to reduce the flow through the marketing in the form of links,Reduce an. The xinhua news agency LiuJunXi perturbation



    12月19日,在合肥芙蓉农贸市场,大白菜以1.3元每斤的价格出售。新华社记者 刘军喜 摄 December 19,,In hefei poppy farmers markets,Chinese cabbage to 1.3 yuan per catty price to sell.The xinhua news agency LiuJunXi perturbation



    12月19日,在合肥周谷堆市场一个大白菜经销处,工人在等待出售白菜。新华社记者 刘军喜 摄 December 19,,In hefei zhougudui marketplace a Chinese cabbage agency,Workers waiting for selling cabbage.The xinhua news agency LiuJunXi perturbation



    12月19日,在合肥周谷堆市场一个大白菜经销处,工人在出售白菜。新华社记者 刘军喜 摄 December 19,,In hefei zhougudui marketplace a Chinese cabbage agency,Workers in selling cabbage.The xinhua news agency LiuJunXi perturbation



    12月19日,在合肥芙蓉农贸市场,大白菜以1.3元每斤的价格出售。新华社记者 刘军喜 摄 December 19,,In hefei poppy farmers markets,Chinese cabbage to 1.3 yuan per catty price to sell.The xinhua news agency LiuJunXi perturbation
