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    12月21日,在郑州市区的一座大型商厦门前,几位工作人员在清扫积雪。当日是冬至节气,也是数九寒天开始的日子。从12月20日夜间开始,河南省大部分地区下起小到中雪。郑州市气象台于12月21日凌晨发布道路结冰黄色预警信号。新华社记者 王颂 摄     On December 21,,Of the city in a large malls door,Several workers in snow removal.The winter solstice is the solar terms,Is also the coldest days of the year began to day.From December twenty days night began,Most parts of henan province under moderate snow to rise.Zhengzhou meteorological observatory on December 21, released at icy roads yellow warning signal.The xinhua news agency WangSong perturbation


    12月21日凌晨,两位郑州市民骑行在路上。当日是冬至节气,也是数九寒天开始的日子。从12月20日夜间开始,河南省大部分地区下起小到中雪。郑州市气象台于12月21日凌晨发布道路结冰黄色预警信号。新华社记者 王颂 摄     At December 21,,Two zhengzhou people riding on the road.The winter solstice is the solar terms,Is also the coldest days of the year began to day.From December twenty days night began,Most parts of henan province under moderate snow to rise.Zhengzhou meteorological observatory on December 21, released at icy roads yellow warning signal.The xinhua news agency WangSong perturbation


    12月21日,一位市民用腿作支撑,在结冰的路面上缓缓骑行。当日是冬至节气,也是数九寒天开始的日子。从12月20日夜间开始,河南省大部分地区下起小到中雪。郑州市气象台于12月21日凌晨发布道路结冰黄色预警信号。新华社记者 王颂 摄     On December 21,,A citizen with legs for support,On the icy road ride slowly.The winter solstice is the solar terms,Is also the coldest days of the year began to day.From December twenty days night began,Most parts of henan province under moderate snow to rise.Zhengzhou meteorological observatory on December 21, released at icy roads yellow warning signal.The xinhua news agency WangSong perturbation


    郑州紫荆山公园银装素裹(12月21日摄)。当日是冬至节气,也是数九寒天开始的日子。从12月20日夜间开始,河南省大部分地区下起小到中雪。郑州市气象台于12月21日凌晨发布道路结冰黄色预警信号。新华社记者 赵鹏 摄     Zhengzhou cercis mountain park snow-white(Taken on December 21,).The winter solstice is the solar terms,Is also the coldest days of the year began to day.From December twenty days night began,Most parts of henan province under moderate snow to rise.Zhengzhou meteorological observatory on December 21, released at icy roads yellow warning signal.The xinhua news agency ZhaoPeng perturbation


    郑州紫荆山公园的花朵银装素裹(12月21日摄)。当日是冬至节气,也是数九寒天开始的日子。从12月20日夜间开始,河南省大部分地区下起小到中雪。郑州市气象台于12月21日凌晨发布道路结冰黄色预警信号。新华社记者 赵鹏 摄     Zhengzhou cercis mountain park flowers turn white(Taken on December 21,).The winter solstice is the solar terms,Is also the coldest days of the year began to day.From December twenty days night began,Most parts of henan province under moderate snow to rise.Zhengzhou meteorological observatory on December 21, released at icy roads yellow warning signal.The xinhua news agency ZhaoPeng perturbation


    12月21日,北京市宣武门西大街部分建筑物被冰雪覆盖。当日是冬至节气,也是数九寒天开始的日子。北京市自12月20日18时左右开始飘雪。气象专家表示,这场小雪是为北京即将到来的大降温打头阵。新华社记者 陆波岸 摄     On December 21,,At the XiDaJie part of the building is covered with snow.The winter solstice is the solar terms,Is also the coldest days of the year began to day.Beijing since December twenty days and PM began to snow.Meteorological experts say,The light snow is for Beijing the upcoming big temperature and take the lead.The xinhua news agency LiuBo bank shot


    12月20日,一列刚刚装满煤炭的列车驶入站台。今年,煤炭价格遭遇了连续几年走高之后的回落。作为甘肃主要的煤炭生产和销售企业,华亭煤业集团采取“一户一策、量价联动”的策略,力保省内煤电市场,同时积极开拓省外各大电厂的销售渠道。截至12月中旬,华亭煤业煤炭销量达到1515万吨,力争通过年底的冲刺,实现产销平衡,将库存量控制到最低。新华社记者 黄文新 摄     December twenty days,A list of just full of coal train into platform.This year,Coal prices have been high for several years after go back.As gansu major coal production and sales enterprise,Huating coal group to take"A door for a/Quantity price linkage"strategy,Retain province coal market,At the same time, actively explore the domestic each big power plant sales channels.By the middle of December,Huating coal coal sales reached 15.15 million tons,By the end of the year to sprint,Achieve a balance of production,The inventory control to a minimum.The xinhua news agency HuangWenXin perturbation


    12月21日,河北邢台的群众在清扫积雪。当日是冬至节气,也是数九寒天开始的日子。河北省气象台发布了大雾黄色预警信号和道路结冰黄色预警信号,12月21日白天到夜间,河北省大部分地区有积雪和道路结冰的情况。 新华社记者 曹国厂 摄     On December 21,,Hebei xingtai mass in the snow removal.The winter solstice is the solar terms,Is also the coldest days of the year began to day.Hebei province meteorological observatory issued the fog yellow warning signal and icy roads yellow warning signal,On December 21, the day to night,Most areas in hebei province have snow and ice of the road. The xinhua news agency CaoGuo factory perturbation
