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    12月20日,作业人员取出火箭弹准备填充进发射架。12月20日凌晨3点,地处戈壁地带的宁夏盐池县惠安堡镇飘起零星小雪,守候了一夜的宁夏气象局人工增雪作业队5辆越野车拖着火箭发射架,奔赴预定无人居住区域,到达预定地点后,整齐列队停车、调试检测、填充火箭弹、连接导线,短短5分钟后,一切就绪。现场指挥员赵维忠开始向航空部门申请空域,防止火箭发射后对过往飞机造成危险。接到申请成功信息后,指挥员发布指令,火箭在隆隆的声响中带着火光升空。火箭弹由弹体、催化剂、碘化银、尾翼及自毁装置组成,据赵维忠介绍,火箭弹发射入云层后自动爆破,播撒碘化银颗粒,与云层中水分凝结形成雪花降落。据宁夏气象局称,19日夜间至20日凌晨,宁夏气象部门在全区进行增雪作业43点次,发射火箭弹153枚,增加降雪量0.15毫米、降水496.8万吨,为宁夏中部干旱带和南部山区改善土壤墒情发挥了重要作用。新华社记者 王鹏 摄 December twenty days,Homework personnel to fill out rockets into the launcher.December twenty days at three in the morning,Is located in the gobi desert region of HuiAn in yanchi of ningxia fort town hike up scattered light snow,Wait for the one night of ningxia weather bureau artificial add snow ZuoYeDui 5 suv dragged the rocket launcher,Scheduled to no one living area,After arrived at the scheduled site,Neatly lined up parking/Debugging test/Fill rockets/Connection wire,Just five minutes,All ready.The commander ZhaoWeiZhong began to aviation department application airspace,To prevent the rocket plane after the past dangerous.To apply for to succeed after information,The commander issued instructions,The rockets in the rumble sound with the launch.The rocket projectile/catalyst/Silver iodide/Tail and destruct device composition,According to ZhaoWeiZhong introduced,Rocket launch into clouds automatically after blasting,Broadcast silver iodide particles,And the clouds condensation of moisture form snow fall.According to the weather bureau said,19 night and day to dawn,The meteorological department in the snow to increase operation and some times,More than 153 rockets fired,Increase the snowfall 0.15 mm/Precipitation of 4.968 million tons,For the central arid zone and the southern mountains improve soil moisture content plays an important role.The xinhua news agency WangPeng perturbation



    12月20日,作业人员在风雪中填充火箭弹。 December twenty days,Homework personnel in the snow in the filling rockets.新华社记者 王鹏 摄 The xinhua news agency WangPeng perturbation



    12月20日,作业人员在风雪中填充火箭弹。 December twenty days,Homework personnel in the snow in the filling rockets.新华社记者 王鹏 摄 The xinhua news agency WangPeng perturbation



    12月20日,增雪火箭发射升空。 December twenty days,Add snow rocket launch.新华社记者 王鹏 摄 The xinhua news agency WangPeng perturbation
