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“人民群众是我们力量的源泉” "The people are the source of our strength"
Remember, the central committee of the communist party secretary xi jinping


    这是1973年上山下乡时期,习近平(左二)在陕西延川县。新华社     This is 1973 times go to the mountainous and rural areas,Xi jinping(Left two)YanChuanXian in shaanxi.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1972年,插队回京探亲时的习近平。新华社发     This is 1972 years,Jump the queue back to Beijing when visiting the xi jinping.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1977年,读大学时的习近平(右)。新华社发     This is 1977 years,Read college xi jinping(right).The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1979年,在中央军委办公厅工作时的习近平。新华社发     This is 1979 years,In the general office of the central military commission work xi jinping.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1983年,时任河北正定县委书记的习近平(前排居中),临时在大街上摆桌子听取老百姓意见。新华社发     This is 1983 years,The hebei positive definite county wei secretary of xi jinping(In front of the center),In the street a temporary table is placed to listen to people opinion.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1983年,在河北正定办公室里的习近平。新华社发     This is 1983 years,In hebei positive definite office xi jinping.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1985年,时任正定县委书记的习近平在美国旧金山市考察。     This is 1985 years,The positive definite county party committee secretary of the xi jinping in the United States San Francisco investigation.


    这是时任福建厦门市副市长的习近平到国外考察。新华社发     This is the fujian xiamen vice mayor of xi jinping abroad to review.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1988年,时任福建宁德地委书记的习近平下乡调研时和群众一起参加劳动。新华社发     This is 1988 years,The fujian ningde prefectural party committee secretary of the xi jinping to research and join the labor.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1993年8月,时任福建省福州市委书记的习近平(左一)在福州市、台江区领导联合接待群众日接待群众。新华社发     This is August 1993,The fujian province, fuzhou, the party secretary xi jinping(Left a)In fuzhou/TaiJiang area leadership combined the reception, the reception.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1995年12月,时任福建省委副书记、福州市委书记的习近平(前排左一)在闽侯参加闽江下游防洪堤加固工程的劳动。新华社发     This is in December 1995,The fujian is vice secretary of provincial party committee/The party secretary xi jinping in fuzhou(Front left a)In MinHou in minjiang river downstream piers of the reinforcement engineering work.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是2007年1月,时任浙江省委书记的习近平(右一)在浙江省庆元县屏都镇敬老院为老人们炒菜。新华社发     This is January 2007,The then secretary of zhejiang province xi jinping(right)In zhejiang province QingYuanXian screen all town gerocomium for old people cooking.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是2007年9月,时任上海市委书记的习近平在上海闵行区启音学校与听障学生亲切交谈。新华社发     This is in September 2007,The Shanghai municipal party committee secretary of the xi jinping in Shanghai minhang district and school and sound deaf students hobnob.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是2008年1月贵州雨雪冰冻灾害时,习近平到铜仁地区万山特区高楼坪乡老山口村受灾的侗族村民唐召维家看望慰问。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     This is January 2008 the snow and freeze disaster in guizhou,Xi jinping to tongren area wanshan SAR high-rise flat XiangLao pass the village of dong villagers TangZhaoWei home visit sympathy.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    这是2012年11月,习近平到北京市丰台区蒲黄榆社区卫生服务中心参加世界艾滋病日活动,同艾滋病感染者握手、交谈。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     This is November 2012,Xi jinping, fengtai district, Beijing PuHuangYu to community health service center in the world AIDS day activities,Shake hands with people infected with HIV/conversation.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    这是2012年12月,习近平视察广州军区时与部队士兵共进午餐。新华社发     This is in December 2012,Xi jinping visit guangzhou with military troops for lunch.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是2012年2月,习近平访美时到艾奥瓦州老朋友家里与27年前结交的美国老朋友茶叙。新华社记者 刘建生 摄     This is in February 2012,Xi jinping visited France to Iowa old friend home with 27 years ago to make American friends to tea.The xinhua news agency LiuJianSheng perturbation


    这是2012年2月,习近平访问爱尔兰参观爱尔兰盖尔式运动协会时应邀开球。新华社发     This is in February 2012,Xi jinping visit to Ireland to visit Ireland Gail type sports association invited the kick-off.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1987年8月,习近平和彭丽媛在福建东山岛。新华社发     This is August 1987,Xi jinping and PengLiYuan in fujian dongshan island.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是1989年9月,习近平和彭丽媛合影。新华社发     This is in September 1989,Xi jinping and PengLiYuan photo.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是习近平一家三口和习仲勋在一起。新华社发     This is a family of three xi jinping and xi zhongxun together.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是习近平陪母亲齐心散步。新华社发     This is xi jinping with mother shoulder for a walk.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是习近平在福州时带女儿玩。新华社发     This is xi jinping in fuzhou with daughter to play.The xinhua news agency hair
