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    1998年8月20日,张德江乘冲锋舟到吉林省镇赉县嘎什根乡看望被洪水围困的群众,指导抗洪救灾工作新华社 21 August 1998,Zhang dejiang by jilin province town such as river boat to adlai was in county honk assorted root township visit by the floodwaters,Guide disaster relief work.The xinhua news agency hair



    1998年10月24日,张德江在浙江民营企业调研。新华社发 On October 24, 1998,Zhang dejiang in zhejiang private enterprises research.The xinhua news agency hair



      2004年6月2日,张德江出席“泛珠三角区域合作与发展论坛”。新华社记者王海燕摄 June 2, 2004,Zhang dejiang to attend"Pan-pearl river delta regional cooperation and development BBS".Xinhua news agency reporter only shot



    2008年6月29日,张德江在四川省都江堰市劳务输出专场招聘会现场了解对口支援省市就业援助情况。新华社记者张维革摄   On June 29, 2008,Zhang dejiang dujiangyan in sichuan province labor output (casc) with the understanding and support employment assistance.The xinhua news agency ZhangWeiGe perturbation



    2008年9月2日,张德江调研燕山石化公司生产经营工作。新华社记者 刘建生摄 On September 2, 2008,Zhang dejiang research yanshan petrochemical company production and management work.The xinhua news agency LiuJianSheng perturbation



    2010年3月29日,张德江现场指导山西省王家岭煤矿透水事故抢险救援工作。新华社记者 邢广利 摄 On March 29, 2010,Zhang dejiang on-site guidance WangGuLing Shanxi Province coal mine water accident rescue work.The xinhua news agency XingGuangLi perturbation



    张德江在民政部工作期间,到河南农村敬老院调研时看望百岁老人。新华社发 In the ministry of civil affairs, zhang dejiang during the work,To henan rural gerocomium research see - year - old woman.The xinhua news agency hair



    2011年2月26日,张德江在北京召开驻利比亚人员撤离及安全保障应急指挥部第二次全体会议。新华社记者谢环驰摄 On February 26, 2011,Zhang dejiang was held in Beijing in Libya personnel evacuation and security emergency command the second plenary session.The xinhua news agency XieHuan chi perturbation



    2012年1月18日,张德江在北京调研城乡居民社会养老保险工作。新华社记者 饶爱民 摄 In January 2012 and day,Urban and rural residents in Beijing, zhang dejiang investigation of social endowment insurance work.The xinhua news agency RaoAiMin perturbation



    2012年5月30日,张德江在重庆与少年儿童共庆“六一”国际儿童节。新华社发(巨建兵摄) May 30, 2012,Zhang dejiang in chongqing and young children altogether celebrates the"June 1"International children's day.The xinhua news agency hair(Giant building soldiers shot)
