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    2004年7月19日,刘云山在北京人民大会堂接见全国中青年德艺双馨文艺工作者表彰大会与会代表。新华社记者 李学仁 摄     July 19, 2004,In Beijing's great hall of the people LiuYunShan met the young and middle-aged DeYiShuangXin literary and art workers commendation congress delegates.The xinhua news agency LiXueRen perturbation


    2006年5月11日,时任中共中央政治局委员书记书记、中宣部部长的刘云山在北京人民大会堂会见俄罗斯主流媒体负责人访华团。图为刘云山与俄方人员握手。新华社记者 刘卫兵 摄     On May 11, 2006,The politburo of the CPC central committee/, a member of the secretariat of/Minister of propaganda department of the LiuYunShan in Beijing's great hall of the people in the mainstream media delegation met with Russia.The graph is LiuYunShan and Russian people shake hands.The xinhua news agency LiuWeiBing perturbation


    2007年4月7日,刘云山在河南省民权县王公庄村画虎村调研时,在该村“四大虎王”之一王建民的画室里了解村民从事绘画产业情况。新华社发(崔申义 摄)     April 7, 2007,LiuYunShan MinQuanXian maharaja zhuang village in henan province painting tiger village research,In the village"Four DaHu king"One of the villagers know wang studio engaged in painting industry.The xinhua news agency hair(CuiShenYi perturbation)


    2009年3月22日,时任中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长的刘云山在山东出版集团公司调研,了解转制为企业后的出版单位的情况。新华社记者 朱峥 摄     On March 22, 2009,The politburo of the CPC central committee/A member of the secretariat of the central/Minister of propaganda department of the LiuYunShan in shandong publication group research,Know for the conversion of the enterprise after the publication of the unit.The xinhua news agency ZhuZheng perturbation


    2009年3月25日,刘云山在山东省潍坊市和市民亲切交谈。新华社记者 朱峥 摄     On March 25, 2009,LiuYunShan weifang in shandong province and citizens to hobnob.The xinhua news agency ZhuZheng perturbation


    2010年7月17日,刘云山在西藏自治区林芝县鲁朗镇与平措一家亲切交谈。新华社记者 普布扎西 摄     July 17, 2010,LiuYunShan in the Tibet autonomous region LinZhiXian LuLang town and flat shows a friendly conversation.Xinhua news agency reporter puebla tashi perturbation


    2010年12月1日,中国舞蹈家协会第九次全国代表大会在北京召开。时任中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长的刘云山出席开幕式并讲话。这是开幕式前,刘云山与出席会议的代表亲切握手。新华社记者 李涛 摄     On December 1, 2010,Chinese dancers association the ninth national congress was held in Beijing.The politburo of the CPC central committee/A member of the secretariat of the central/Minister of propaganda department of the LiuYunShan attend the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.This is before the opening ceremony,LiuYunShan and attend the meeting on behalf of the affectionately shake hands.The xinhua news agency LiTao perturbation


    2011年4月14日,刘云山在青海省玉树县结古镇考察灾后重建项目后与灾区群众合影。新华社记者 丁林 摄     On April 14, 2011,LiuYunShan in qinghai yushu county and town investigation post-disaster reconstruction project and the disaster area people had a group photo taken.The xinhua news agency DingLin perturbation


    2011年9月18日,时任中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长的刘云山在北京同首都群众一起参加全国科普日北京主场活动。这是刘云山在朝阳区茉藜园社区与小学生们一起做节水小实验。新华社记者 刘卫兵 摄     In September 2011 and day,The politburo of the CPC central committee/A member of the secretariat of the central/Minister of propaganda department of the LiuYunShan in Beijing with the capital for the national science with Beijing, activities at home.This is LiuYunShan in chaoyang district Mo pigweed garden community and the pupils to do with water saving small experiment.The xinhua news agency LiuWeiBing perturbation


    1981年秋,刘云山(中)作为新华社记者在内蒙古敖鲁古雅采访时与鄂温克猎民促膝交谈。新华社发     In autumn 1981,LiuYunShan(in)As the xinhua news agency reporter then in Inner Mongolia with quaint interview the hunters have to talk.The xinhua news agency hair
