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     12月25日,一艘货船从望虞河大桥下穿过。连接苏州、无锡两地的望虞河大桥于2010年年底通过验收,这座大桥本应成为两地物流运输的主干道,却因配套道路不足难以承受大型货车往来而搁置两年之久,附近居民和物流车辆司机因交通不便怨声载道,越来越多的网民在网络上发帖表达不满情绪。  December 25,A cargo ship looking from the threat of a bridge across the river.Connection suzhou/Wuxi both at YuHe bridge at the end of 2010 through the acceptance,This should be the bridge between logistics transportation trunk road,But because of the lack of supporting road to bear large truck intercourse and lay aside two years,Nearby residents and logistics vehicle driver for traffic inconvenience complain,More and more Internet users on the network to post express discontent.

    December 25th afternoon,Reporter in sight to see YuHe bridge,Bridge suzhou/Wuxi at both ends of the entrance stone set obstacles such as has been opens,From time to time have pedestrians and motor vehicle through.There are some not familiar with the situation of the vehicle models for too much hard through the middle from the obstacles and flinch.
    "Hope YuHe bridge near suzhou section at the pavilion international logistics park often have large truck intercourse.Bridge did not open,Mainly because after bridge connecting suzhou period after the sun road is secondary road,Hard to bear big truck load large vehicles."Xiangcheng district traffic transport bureau chief GuYinFu said,If the bridge opening force will not only lead to the damage of rural highway in the region,Still can give a nearby residents and pedestrian bring traffic safety hidden trouble.
    Xiangcheng district traffic department to show a reporter from suzhou traffic design and research institute co., LTD. Of the issue[Put the following YuHe bridge connecting line at the airport early open traffic impact analysis],In July 2012 the formation"analysis"With a series of data description,If hope YuHe bridge and suzhou connections after opening,Via sun way not only will appear serious congestion and damage,Along the economy development and People's Daily travel may also be affected.
    "Bridge suzhou period of supporting road, 312 national highway shunt line construction sequence of synchronization is influence bridge and suzhou connecting the root cause of the traffic.If the 312 national highway shunt line built to traffic,Large truck looking after YuHe bridge after suzhou period,Can have access to this section,Realize rapid transit."GuYinFu said.

    苏州交通部门负责人表示,312国道苏州段分流线已开工建设,将于2014年底建成通车,届时望虞河大桥有望全面开通。12月25日下午,江苏省交通运输厅针对望虞河大桥不通车的问题召开通气会。江苏省交通运输厅及苏州、无锡两地的交通运输局及时制定整改方案,决定根据苏州区域内现有农村公路的通行能力,年底前率先向符合道路使用安全标准的中小车辆开通,引导重型和大型车辆合理分流。新华社记者 沈鹏摄 
    Suzhou traffic department person in charge said,312 national highway suzhou period of shunt line started construction,At the end of 2014 will be built to traffic,The hope YuHe bridge is expected to be fully opened.December 25th afternoon,Jiangsu province transportation hall to look YuHe bridge not to traffic problems TongQiHui held.Jiangsu province transportation hall and suzhou/Wuxi traffic transport both timely formulate improvement scheme,Suzhou area is determined according to the existing rural highway capacity,By the end of the year to conform to the road use safety standard of small and medium-sized vehicles opened,Guide the heavy and large vehicles reasonable shunt.The xinhua news agency ShenPengShe 



    12月25日,望虞河大桥无锡段入口处设置有前往无锡硕放机场的指示牌。 新华社记者 沈鹏摄  December 25,Hope YuHe bridge wuxi section of the entrance to the following Settings in wuxi put the airport plate. The xinhua news agency ShenPengShe 



    12月25日,一辆小型车行驶在望虞河大桥上。 新华社记者 沈鹏摄 December 25,A small car driving in sight YuHe bridge. The xinhua news agency ShenPengShe



     12月25日,一辆小货车颠簸着通过望虞河大桥苏州段入口处的路障。  新华社记者 沈鹏摄  December 25,A minivan jolt through YuHe bridge at suzhou period of the entrance of the barricade.  The xinhua news agency ShenPengShe


     12月25日,一名附近居民骑着摩托车穿过大桥无锡段入口处的路障。新华社记者 沈鹏摄      December 25,A nearby residents ride motorcycles across the bridge wuxi section at the front entrance to the barricade.The xinhua news agency ShenPengShe



    船只从望虞河大桥下驶过(12月25日摄)。 Ships from risks at river passing under the bridge(December 25 perturbation).新华社记者 沈鹏摄 The xinhua news agency ShenPengShe
