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    这是阿拉山口市街景(12月28日摄)。当日,我国最大陆路口岸新疆阿拉山口正式揭牌成立县级市。阿拉山口口岸位于新疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州东北角,距哈萨克斯坦多斯特克口岸12公里。今年12月17日,国务院正式批准设立县级阿拉山口市,设市规划面积1204平方公里,规划城市建设面积42.5平方公里。2011年阿拉山口口岸过货量突破2600万吨,成为全国过货量最大的陆路口岸。同年阿拉山口综合保税区的设立,使口岸从单一通道发展为利用进口能源资源落地加工的产业聚集区。阿拉山口设市后将有利于当地克服发展过程中管理体制不顺,服务职能缺位,财力支撑不足等问题,进一步巩固阿拉山口国家重要能源资源大通道的作用和新疆向西开放“桥头堡”的地位。新华社记者 江文耀 摄 This is ala shan kou city street(On December 28, perturbation).On that day,China's biggest port in xinjiang officially unveiled at ala shan kou.Ala shan kou port is located in the northeast. Tara bolton xinjiang Mongolian autonomous prefecture,12 km from kazakhstan, g more ports.On December 17, this year,Under the state council formally approved by ala shan kou city at the county level,City planning area of 1204 square kilometers,Planning and urban construction area of 42.5 square kilometers.Ala shan kou port GuoHuoLiang reached 26 million tons in 2011,The national GuoHuoLiang's largest port.In the establishment of ala shan kou comprehensive bonded zones,The port developed from a single channel for the use of imported energy resources ground processing industry agglomeration.After ala shan kou city will benefit the local overcome in the process of the development of management system,Service functions vacancy,Insufficient financial support,Further consolidate ala shan kou national important channel of energy resources and open to the west of xinjiang"bridgehead"The position of the.Xinhua news agency reporters JiangWenYao perturbation



    这是通过阿拉山口口岸通关的哈萨克斯坦运输车辆(12月28日摄)。新华社记者 江文耀 摄 It is through the ala shan kou port customs clearance of kazakhstan transport vehicles(On December 28, perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters JiangWenYao perturbation


    这是作为国家一类口岸的阿拉山口火车站(12月28日摄)。新华社记者 江文耀 摄     This is as a national of the ala shan kou railway station(On December 28, perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters JiangWenYao perturbation



    这是今年建成通车的兰新线乌鲁木齐至阿拉山口电气化铁路(12月28日摄)。新华社记者 江文耀 摄 This is this year opened LanXinXian urumqi to ala shan kou electrification railway(On December 28, perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters JiangWenYao perturbation
