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    1月9日,在银川市110指挥中心,接警人员通过对讲机向巡防车发布警情。     On January 9,,In yinchuan 110 command center,Sources by intercom release to the patrol car industry.

    1月10日是一年一度的全国“110宣传日”。记者近日来到宁夏银川市公安局110指挥中心,记录下这些人民卫士的日常工作。     January 10, is the annual national"110 XuanChuanRi".Reporters recently came to ningxia yinchuan public security bureau 110 command center,Record the daily work of the people's bodyguard.

    “您好,这里是银川市110,有事请讲。”这是银川市公安局110指挥中心的接警员在紧张的接警工作中。中心共有60名接警员,编成5个班组,全天24小时接受群众电话报警、求助和投诉,日均接报警近3000起,处置有效警情800余起。接警员们不仅普通话说得好,而且对银川的每一条街道、每一个小区都十分熟悉。     "How do you do,Here is 110 in yinchuan,Please speak."This is related to the public security bureau 110 command center of police officers in the sources of hard work.Center for a total of 60 officers,Into five team,24 hours a day accepts the populace to phone the police/For help and complaints,Average daily pick up alarm nearly 3000,Disposal of the effective ways of more than 800.The police officers not only mandarin well said,And for every street of yinchuan/Each district is very familiar with.

    接警员在接到报警求助电话后立刻呼叫在城区大街小巷巡逻的110巡防车,离事发地点最近的巡防车接到中心的呼叫后马上赶赴现场处理。1月9日18时30分,记者登上银川市公安局兴庆区分局巡防二大队的巡防车,跟随民警周建宝等人开始出警巡防工作。     The police after the phone call the police for help immediately call 110 guard patrolling the streets in the city,The place nearest patrol car after receiving the call center immediately rushed to the scene to deal with.On January 9, 18 when 30 points,Means more than words can tell reporter on yinchuan public security bureau area branch guard the brigade of the patrol car,Follow the police began ChuJing guard work ZhouJianBao et al.

    每一辆110巡防车上都有一位民警,两位协警和两位武警战士,并装备专业警用设备。晚班的巡防工作从18时30分一直持续到第二天8时30分,有警出警,无警巡逻。民警周建宝介绍说:“就我们这趟车,一晚上处理的警情一般都超过10起,大家基本上没有休息的时间。”新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     Every 110 patrol car, there is a policeman,Two association p and two armed police soldiers,And equipment professional police equipment.Night patrol work from 18 when 30 points at 8:30 continued until the second day,Have the police ChuJing,No police patrol.Police ZhouJianBao said:"We the bus,A night of acoustic commonly more than 10,We basically have no time to rest."The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao of perturbation


    1月9日,协警白玉(右)和柯玮准备登上110巡防车开始夜间巡逻、出警工作。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     On January 9,,Association p white jade(right)And KeWei preparation on 110 patrol car to patrol at night/ChuJing work.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao of perturbation


    1月9日,110民警在银川市街头协调一起纠纷。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     On January 9,,110 police in yinchuan street coordinate together.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao of perturbation


    1月9日,110民警周建宝和派出所民警在银川街头一处发现盗窃赃物的现场勘察情况。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄     On January 9,,110 ZhouJianBao police and local police station police theft of stolen goods found in yinchuan street a on-site investigation.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao of perturbation



   1月9日,110民警周建宝通过对讲机接听中心发布的警情。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 On January 9,,110 police ZhouJianBao through interphone answer center issued the alert.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao of perturbation


    1月9日,110民警周建宝(右)带着协警白玉、柯玮协调一起家庭纠纷。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄       On January 9,,110 police ZhouJianBao(right)With p white jade/KeWei coordination with family disputes.The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao of perturbation  
