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    1月16日,黄南藏族自治州双朋西乡尕秀完全小学的学生领到捐赠的文具。1月15日,由青海格桑花教育救助会、中华社会救助基金会、淘宝有求必应平台和雅虎公益联合发起的“印·为爱——青海贫困地区打印机捐赠仪式”在青海省黄南藏族自治州第一民族中学举行。据了解,此次活动共募集善款300246元,用以采购100台打印机以及书包、铅笔、尺子等文具,捐赠给青海省玉树藏族自治州、黄南藏族自治州的贫困学校。新华社发(吴刚 摄)     On January 16,,Prefecture Tibetan autonomous region double friends xixiang Ga show complete primary school students receive donated stationery.On January 15,,The qinghai see flower education assistance will be/The social assistance foundation/Taobao responsive platform and yahoo public jointly sponsored"Seal, for love - qinghai poverty area printer donation ceremony"Tibetan autonomous prefecture in qinghai prefecture held the first national middle school.It is understood,The activities were raising money 300246 yuan,For the purchase of 100 printer and bag/pencil/Ruler and stationery,Donated to yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture of qinghai province/Tibetan autonomous prefecture prefecture poor school.The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)


    1月15日,黄南藏族自治州全都完全小学校长昂旦扎西在领取打印机。新华社发(吴刚 摄)     On January 15,,Prefecture Tibetan autonomous region are all complete primary school principals the denier tashi on the printer.The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)


    1月15日,黄南藏族自治州第一民族中学内,格桑花教育救助会义工刑光伟在为受捐助学校老师讲解打印机的操作方法。新华社发(吴刚 摄)     On January 15,,Prefecture Tibetan autonomous prefecture in the first national middle school,See flower education assistance will volunteer punishment in light wei for the donation school the teacher explained the printer's method of operation.The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)
