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    1月17日,在北京首都国际机场,犯罪嫌疑人警方押解回国。当日,“12·03”特大跨国跨两岸电信诈骗犯罪集团最后一批大陆犯罪嫌疑人被押解回国。至此,“12·03”特大跨国跨两岸电信诈骗案成功告破。记者了解到,该案是在公安部直接组织指挥下,两岸警方联手印尼、马来西亚、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、斯里兰卡等6国警方采取集中统一打击行动,彻底摧毁的特大跨国跨两岸电信诈骗犯罪集团,抓获犯罪嫌疑人505名,捣毁犯罪窝点30处,缴获银行卡、电脑、手机、网络平台服务器等一大批作案工具和赃款,破获相关案件710余起。新华社记者 王申 摄     January 17,,In the Beijing capital international airport,The criminal suspect is the police escort home.the,"12 · the"Large multinational span the telecom fraud crime group the last group of Chinese criminal suspects is to escort.So far,"12 · the"Large multinational span the telecommunications fraud success crack.The reporter understands,The case is in the ministry of public security organization under the direct command,The police to Indonesia/Malaysia/Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia/Sri Lanka 6 countries the police take centralized and unified strike action,Wipe out large multinational span the telecom fraud crime group,The criminal suspect arrested 505,Trashed crime shelter 30 sites,Captured bank card/computer/Mobile phone/Network server platform, such as a large number of crime tools and filthy lucre,Unearthed related cases more than 710 up.The xinhua news agency WangShen perturbation


    1月17日,在北京首都国际机场,犯罪嫌疑人被警方押解回国。新华社记者 王申 摄     January 17,,In the Beijing capital international airport,The criminal suspect is the police escort home.The xinhua news agency WangShen perturbation
