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    1月22日,一名小女孩随母亲进入杭州火车站候车。她的老家在贵州,父母在杭州富阳打工。春运大幕将要开启,不少在浙江生活的外来务工人员随迁子女已提前踏上回乡之路。劳务输入大省浙江目前有超过2000万外来务工人员,他们的随迁子女在春节前后也要像候鸟一样,与父母一起在旅途中奔波。据浙江省春运办预测,2013年春运浙江全省将发送旅客2.45亿人次,其中铁路旅客963万人次。新华社记者 韩传号 摄 On January 22,,A little girl with mother into the hangzhou railway station waiting.Her hometown in guizhou,Parents work in hangzhou fuyang.The Spring Festival will be open,Many in zhejiang life of migrant workers in advance SuiQian children are already on the way home.Labor input province zhejiang currently has more than 20 million migrant workers,Their children before and after the Spring Festival in SuiQian will like migrating birds,And parents in the journey.According to ChunYunBan prediction of zhejiang province,Spring Festival in 2013 in zhejiang province will send about 245 million passengers,The railway carried 9.63 million passengers.The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation




      1月22日,浙江宁波开往安徽蚌埠的列车停靠杭州火车站时,一名小朋友靠在车窗边玩耍。新华社记者 韩传号 摄   On January 22,,Zhejiang ningbo to bengbu train at the hangzhou railway station,A kid on the window side play.The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation




     1月22日,11个月大的田兴福(中)小朋友与在浙江打工的父母在杭州火车站内候车,准备回老家湖南怀化。新华社记者 韩传号 摄  On January 22,,11 months of TianXingFu(in)Children and parents in zhejiang working in hangzhou railway station waiting,Back to huaihua.The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation




     1月22日,5岁的赵永春在杭州火车站候车时吃方便面。他的老家在陕西西安,父母在浙江义乌打工。新华社记者 韩传号 摄  On January 22,,5 years old ZhaoYongChun in hangzhou railway station waiting to eat instant noodles.His hometown in xian in shaanxi,Parents work in zhejiang yiwu.The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation




     1月22日,一名“小候鸟”跟队家人登上浙江杭州开往贵州贵阳的列车时,在排队人群中好奇地望着火车。新华社记者 韩传号 摄  On January 22,,a"The little birds"The family with team in hangzhou, zhejiang province to guizhou guiyang when the train,Standing in line in the crowd looking curiously at the train.The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation




    1月22日,杭州火车站候车室,一名出生不足百日的婴儿在家人怀中候车。新华社记者 韩传号 摄 On January 22,,Hangzhou railway station waiting room,A born less than one hundred days baby in the family waiting arms.The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation




     1月22日,一名“小候鸟”在一列即将开动的火车上望向窗外。新华社记者 韩传号 摄  On January 22,,a"The little birds"In a column will start on the train looked out the window.The xinhua news agency HanChuanHao perturbation
