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   成立西藏双湖县县城全景(1月7日摄)。记者从正在召开的西藏自治区十届人大一次会议上获悉,西藏双湖县经国务院批准成立。双湖地处藏北羌塘高原,平均海拔5000米,是目前世界上海拔最高的县级行政区。其前身是双湖办事处,为1976年新建的行政区域。1993年8月成立双湖特别行政区。新成立的双湖县将尼玛县的措折罗玛镇、协德乡、雅曲乡、嘎措乡、措折强玛乡、多玛乡、巴岭乡划归双湖县管辖,以上述7个乡、镇的行政区域为双湖县的行政区域。双湖县人民政府驻多玛乡索,双湖县由那曲地区管辖。新华社记者 觉果 摄  The newly formed Tibet double lake county county panoramic(On January 7th perturbation).Reporters from the Tibet autonomous region was held a meeting of the tenth National People's Congress on that,Tibet double lake county was established with the approval of the state council.Double lake is located in the northern qiangtang plateau,Average altitude of 5000 meters,Is the highest elevation in the world at or above the county level of the region.Its predecessor is double lake office,For 1976 years the new administrative area.Was founded in August 1993 double lake special administrative region.The newly formed double lake county will be the nima county should fold LuoMa town/DE township of/YaQu township/Honk cuo township/Cuo fold and strong country/Sodom township/BaLing township to double lake county jurisdiction,With the above seven township/The administrative areas of town for double lake county administrative region.Double lake county people's government in sodom township line,Double lake county jurisdiction by naqu area.The xinhua news agency JiaoGuo perturbation 



   新成立的西藏双湖县城一条马路(1月7日摄)。新华社记者 觉果 摄 The newly formed Tibet double lake county a road(On January 7th perturbation).The xinhua news agency JiaoGuo perturbation


    西藏双湖县前身为双湖特别行政区。这是双湖特别区区委、区政府办公大楼(1月7日摄)。新华社记者 觉果 摄      Tibet double lake county formerly known as double lake special administrative region.This is double lake district area/The district government office building(On January 7th perturbation).The xinhua news agency JiaoGuo perturbation 


   这是新成立的西藏双湖县境内的风光互补电站(1月7日摄)。 新华社记者 觉果 摄    This is the newly established within the territory of the county, Tibet double lake scenery complementary power station(On January 7th perturbation). The xinhua news agency JiaoGuo perturbation
