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渤海湾冰情进一步加重 辽东湾连续拉响海冰蓝色预警--亲稳网络舆情监测室


    渤海湾冰情进一步加重 辽东湾连续拉响海冰蓝色预警


    1月24日,秦皇岛海事局的工作人员在秦皇岛海域查看冰情。当日17时,国家海洋局北海预报中心发布的消息,受冷空气影响,近日渤海海域海冰明显加重,其中辽东湾浮冰范围63海里,海冰最大冰厚40厘米,分布面积17665平方公里,占辽东湾海域面积的57.73%,22日、23日已连续两天发布海冰蓝色预警。渤海湾海区浮冰范围19海里,最大冰厚20厘米,分布面积5082平方公里,占渤海湾海域面积的34.34%。据介绍,河北境内有8200多艘渔船被冰封在港内,河北秦皇岛港等4大港口运输均没有受到海冰影响。目前,河北海事局、河北边防等涉海部门启动预防海冰的应急预案,全力抗击海冰。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄 January 24,,Qinhuangdao maritime bureau staff in qinhuangdao sea view ice.When that day and,The state oceanic administration beihai forecast center news releases,Influenced by cold air,Recently bohai sea ice obvious increase,The ice fishing range 63 nm,The largest sea ice ice thickness and cm,Distribution area of 17665 square kilometers,Accounted for 57.73% of the area of sea fishing,22/23 already two successive days by sea ice blue warning.Bohai bay sea ice range and the sea,The biggest ice thickness and cm,Distribution area of 5082 square kilometers,Accounted for 34.34% of the area of bohai bay area.According to introducing,Within the territory of hebei province has more than 8200 fishing boats were frozen in port,Hebei qinhuangdao port and port transportation were not affected by sea ice influence.At present,Hebei maritime bureau/Hebei border and related departments to prevent sea ice start the emergency plan,Against sea ice to.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation


    渤海湾冰情进一步加重 辽东湾连续拉响海冰蓝色预警


     1月24日,秦皇岛海事局的海巡艇在秦皇岛海域查看冰情。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄  January 24,,Qinhuangdao maritime bureau sea patrol boat in qinhuangdao sea view ice.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation


    渤海湾冰情进一步加重 辽东湾连续拉响海冰蓝色预警


     1月24日,秦皇岛市海事局的海巡艇在秦皇岛海域查看冰情,并提醒过往船舶注意安全。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄  January 24,,The maritime affair bureau of qinhuangdao sea patrol boat in qinhuangdao sea view ice,And remind the past ship pay attention to safety.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation


    渤海湾冰情进一步加重 辽东湾连续拉响海冰蓝色预警


     1月24日,一艘渔船在秦皇岛市海港区西浴场附近被海冰包围。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄  January 24,,A fishing boat in qinhuangdao HaiGangOu west near the beach is surrounded by sea.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation


    渤海湾冰情进一步加重 辽东湾连续拉响海冰蓝色预警


     1月24日,一艘拖轮在满是浮冰的秦皇岛港区协助货轮离港。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄  January 24,,A tug in is full of ice of qinhuangdao port assist cargo departure.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation


    渤海湾冰情进一步加重 辽东湾连续拉响海冰蓝色预警


     1月24日,一艘轮船在已结冰的秦皇岛海域航行。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄  January 24,,A ship in the icy qinhuangdao sea voyage.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation
