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    浙江省义乌市义亭镇农民在当地的粮食生产功能区驾驶收割机收获晚稻(2012年11月19日摄)。2012年,浙江省加强农田水利设施建设,新建粮食生产功能区111万亩、各类现代农业园区54万亩,粮食和主要农产品生产供应保持稳定。据1月25日开幕的浙江省十二届人大一次会议消息:2012年,浙江省城镇居民人均可支配收入为34550元,农村居民人均收入14552元,城乡居民收入差距缩小到2.37:1。浙江省农村居民人均纯收入已连续28年居全国各省区首位。新华社记者 谭进 摄     Zhejiang yiwu YiTing town farmers in local food production area driving harvester harvest late rice(On November 19, 2012 perturbation).In 2012,,Zhejiang province to strengthen the construction of irrigation and water conservancy facilities,New food production area of 1.11 million mu/All kinds of modern agricultural park of 540000 mu,Food and major agricultural production supplies remain stable.On January 25, according to the National People's Congress of zhejiang province the twelve a conference news:In 2012,,Zhejiang urban per capita disposable income for 34550 yuan,Rural per capita net income of 14552 yuan,The income gap between urban and rural residents within 2.37:1.Per capita net income of rural residents in zhejiang province has continuous and years in the provinces all over the country.The xinhua news agency TanJin perturbation


     浙江省新昌县凯丰特种野猪养殖基地掌门人郑永庆在给杂交改良后的野猪喂青草饲料(2012年2月18日摄)。2012年,郑永庆在网上销售他采用森林散养方式饲养的“生态野猪”肉,生意遍及上海、杭州等城市。据1月25日开幕的浙江省十二届人大一次会议消息:2012年,浙江省城镇居民人均可支配收入为34550元,农村居民人均纯收入14552元,城乡居民收入差距缩小到2.37:1。浙江省农村居民人均纯收入已连续28年居全国各省区首位。新华社记者 谭进 摄      Zhejiang county of xinchang KaiFeng special wild boar breeding base in Japan ZhengYongQing to hybrid improved wild boar feed grass feed(In February 2012, and perturbation).In 2012,,ZhengYongQing in online sales he adopted the way of keeping free-roaming forest breeding"Ecological wild boar"meat,Business in Shanghai/Hangzhou and other cities.On January 25, according to the National People's Congress of zhejiang province the twelve a conference news:In 2012,,Zhejiang urban per capita disposable income for 34550 yuan,Rural per capita net income of 14552 yuan,The income gap between urban and rural residents within 2.37:1.Per capita net income of rural residents in zhejiang province has continuous and years in the provinces all over the country.The xinhua news agency TanJin perturbation


    几位美国游客在浙江省湖州市南浔镇缉里村村民计金妹(右一)新家的厨房参观拍照(2012年2月24日摄)。近年来,浙江省大力推进农村住房改造建设,全省农民人均住房面积已逾60平方米。据1月25日开幕的浙江省十二届人大一次会议消息:2012年,浙江省城镇居民人均可支配收入为34550元,农村居民人均纯收入14552元,城乡居民收入差距缩小到2.37:1。浙江省农村居民人均纯收入已连续28年居全国各省区首位。新华社记者 谭进 摄     Several American tourists in nanxun town of huzhou city, zhejiang province Ji village villagers meter JinMei(right)New home kitchen visit photos(February 24, 2012 perturbation).In recent years,Zhejiang to vigorously push forward the reform of rural housing construction,The farmers per capita housing area has more than sixty square meters.On January 25, according to the National People's Congress of zhejiang province the twelve a conference news:In 2012,,Zhejiang urban per capita disposable income for 34550 yuan,Rural per capita net income of 14552 yuan,The income gap between urban and rural residents within 2.37:1.Per capita net income of rural residents in zhejiang province has continuous and years in the provinces all over the country.The xinhua news agency TanJin perturbation


    这是宁杭高铁浙江湖州段一座新建成的小城镇(2012年12月30日摄)。近年来,浙江省积极统筹城乡区域发展,扎实推进新型城镇化和新农村建设。据1月25日开幕的浙江省十二届人大一次会议消息:2012年,浙江省城镇居民人均可支配收入为34550元,农村居民人均纯收入14552元,城乡居民收入差距缩小到2.37:1。浙江省农村居民人均纯收入已连续28年居全国各省区首位。新华社记者 谭进 摄     This is hangzhou high iron zhejiang huzhou period of a new built small towns(December 30, 2012 perturbation).In recent years,Zhejiang positive urban and rural areas as a whole to regional development,Solid advance new urbanization and new rural construction.On January 25, according to the National People's Congress of zhejiang province the twelve a conference news:In 2012,,Zhejiang urban per capita disposable income for 34550 yuan,Rural per capita net income of 14552 yuan,The income gap between urban and rural residents within 2.37:1.Per capita net income of rural residents in zhejiang province has continuous and years in the provinces all over the country.The xinhua news agency TanJin perturbation


    浙江省安吉县报福镇农民在整理制作竹凉席的竹丝原材料(2012年3月27日摄)。以“中国竹乡”著称的安吉县竹产业已形成7大系列3000多个品种,成为农民增收、林业增效和推动农村经济发展的支柱产业。据1月25日开幕的浙江省十二届人大一次会议消息:2012年,浙江省城镇居民人均可支配收入为34550元,农村居民人均纯收入14552元,城乡居民收入差距缩小到2.37:1。浙江省农村居民人均纯收入已连续28年居全国各省区首位。新华社记者 谭进 摄     Anji county, zhejiang province blessing for the farmers in finishing production of bamboo mat bamboo filament raw materials(March 27, 2012 perturbation).to"China town"Anji county for bamboo industry has formed 7 series more than 3000 varieties,Become increasing farmers' income/Forestry efficiency and promote rural economic development pillar industry.On January 25, according to the National People's Congress of zhejiang province the twelve a conference news:In 2012,,Zhejiang urban per capita disposable income for 34550 yuan,Rural per capita net income of 14552 yuan,The income gap between urban and rural residents within 2.37:1.Per capita net income of rural residents in zhejiang province has continuous and years in the provinces all over the country.The xinhua news agency TanJin perturbation
