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  中新网8月17日电 《“健康中国2020”战略研究报告》今日发布,卫生部网站随后发布了针对该《报告》的解读,其中提出,到2020年,中国人均预期寿命将达到77岁。

Beijing, aug. 17 《“China's 2020 health”Strategy research report》Released today,The ministry of health issued according to the website then《The report》Interpretation of,The proposed,By 2020,China's per capita will reach 77 years life expectancy。

  《“健康中国2020”战略研究报告》解读 《“China's 2020 health”Strategy research report》interpretation


一、“健康中国2020”战略研究提出了“健康中国”这一重大战略思想,这一思想的具体涵义是什么?有什么重要意义? a、“China's 2020 health”Strategy research put forward“Health China”This major strategic thinking,The thought of the specific meaning is what?What is the significance?

  “健康中国”战略是一项旨在全面提高全民健康水平的国家战略,是在准确判断世界和中国卫生改革发展大势的基础上,在深化医药卫生体制改革实践中形成的一项需求牵引型的国民健康发展战略。 “健康中国”战略思想的提出,是科学发展观在国民健康领域的具体体现,是卫生系统探索中国特色卫生改革发展道路集体智慧的结晶,是卫生战线对中国特色卫生事业发展理论体系的丰富发展。

“Health China”Strategy is a aims to improve the health level of the national strategy,Is in the accurate judgement of the world and China health reform and development on the basis of the general trend,In deepening medical health system reform practice formed a demand traction type of national health development strategy。 “Health China”The strategic thought put forward,Is the scientific concept of development in the national health field of concrete embodiment,Is health system to explore Chinese characteristic health reform path of development the crystallization of the collective wisdom,Is health front health development with Chinese characteristics in the theoretical system of the rich development。


“China's 2020 health”Strategy is the guidance of the scientific development concept,To maintain a comprehensive and improve the people's health,Improve health fair,The realization of social economy and people's health coordinated development as the goal,As a public policy for the foothold,In major projects、Major projects as the breakthrough point of the national strategy。implementation“China's 2020 health”strategy,Is the construction harmonious society's important basic project,Will contribute to the all-round improvement of the national health,Ensure that medical reform achievements for people sharing,Also be helpful for promoting economic development mode change,Fully embody implementation of the scientific outlook on development is the fundamental demand。


二、“健康中国2020”战略研究对卫生事业发展所应遵循的指导思想与原则有怎样的考虑? two、“China's 2020 health”Strategy research on health service development should follow the guiding ideology and principle of considering how?


About health career development guiding ideology,“China's 2020 health”Strategic research suggests,Health development of deng xiaoping theory and“The three represents”The important thoughts as the instruction,Thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development,The health in the priority development of strategic position,will“Health power”As a basic state policy;Adhere to the people-centered,With social needs as the guidance,To safeguard people's health rights in the first place,To comprehensively promote the people's health,To improve the health of fairness,The realization of social economy and people's health coordination development as the starting point and the foothold;emphasize“prevention”,To realize the fundamental change of medical mode,As a public policy、Scientific and technological progress、Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine、Major action as the breakthrough point,Resolve long-term(Or long-term)Threatening the Chinese people's life safety of major diseases and health problems;Integrated treatment,Organic coordination functions,Give full play to the enthusiasm of all sectors,Respond to the common health challenges,realize“Health China,Polytropic build,Shared by all people”。


About the basic principle of health development,“China's 2020 health”Strategic research suggests,Health service development must adhere to the principle of the following four aspects,The first is to stick to the“Everyone health”Into the economic and social development planning target,Two is to insist the fair efficiency unification,Pay attention to the government responsibility and the combination of market mechanism,Three is to insist the overall consideration,Highlight the key,Enhance health development of integrity and harmony,Four is to stick to prevention,Adapt to and promote medical model transformation。


三、“健康中国2020”战略研究提出“到2020年,主要健康指标基本达到中等发达国家水平”,具体包括哪些目标? three、“China's 2020 health”Strategic research suggests“By 2020,The main health index basic reach the level of moderately developed countries”,Specific include what goal?


For the realization of health and the national health development goals,“China's 2020 health”Strategy research constructs a embodies the scientific concept of development health development comprehensive target system,The overall goal decomposition for operation、Measurable 10 concrete goal and 95 points target。These goals covers the protection and promote the national health service system and its support condition,Is the monitoring and evaluation of the national health、Effective control health run the important basis。

  10个具体目标是:国民主要健康指标进一步改善,到2020年,人均预期寿命达到77岁,5岁以下儿童死亡率下降到13‰,孕产妇死亡率降低到20/10万,减少地区间健康状况的差距;完善卫生服务体系,提高卫生服务可及性和公平性;健全医疗保障制度,减少居民疾病经济风险;控制危险因素,遏止、扭转和减少慢性病的蔓延和健康危害;强化传染病和地方病防控,降低感染性疾病危害;加强监测与监管,保障食品药品安全;依靠科技进步,适应医学模式的转变,实现重点前移、转化整合战略;继承创新中医药,发挥中医药等我国传统医学在保障国民健康中的作用;发展健康产业,满足多层次、多样化卫生服务需求;履行政府职责,加大健康投入,到2020年,卫生总费用占GDP的比重达到6.5%~7%,保障“健康中国2020” 战略目标实现。

10 concrete goal is:The national major health index to further improve,By 2020,Life expectancy to 77 years old,Children under the age of five mortality rate dropped to 13 ‰,The maternal mortality rate reduced to 20/10,Reduce regional health gap;Perfect health service system,Improve the health service accessibility and equity;Improve the medical security system,Reduce residents disease economic risk;Control risk factors,arrested、Torsion and reduce the spread of chronic diseases and health hazard;Strengthen the infectious disease and endemic disease prevention and control,Reduce infectious disease harm;To strengthen the monitoring and supervision,Ensure food and drug safety;Relying on scientific and technological progress,To adapt to the transformation of medical model,Realize key reach、Transformation integration strategy;Inheriting the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine,Play traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in ensuring the role of national health;Development health industry,Satisfy mutiple level、Diversified health service needs;Perform duty of government,Increase health input,By 2020,Total health expenses accounts for the proportion of GDP reached 6.5% ~ 7%,security“China's 2020 health” Strategic target realization。


四、“健康中国2020”战略研究提出的今后一个时期卫生工作的战略重点是什么? four、“China's 2020 health”Strategy research proposed for a time of health work strategic emphasis is what?


“China's 2020 health”Strategy research according to the severity of the hazard、Influence of universality、Specific intervention measures、The principle of fairness and prospective,The selected for key crowd、Major disease and controllable health risk factors of three priority areas,And further puts forward respectively according to the above three priority areas as well as the realization“BingYouSuoYi”Can take 21 item action plan in the future as a period of key task,Including according to key crowd of maternal and child health action plan、The poor areas to improve the health action plan、The occupational health action plan;According to the focus of major disease infectious disease control action plan、Key chronic disease prevention and control action plan、Damage monitoring and intervention action plan;Health risk factors for environment and health action plan、Food safety plan of action、All the people healthy lifestyle action plan、To reduce tobacco hazard action plan;Promote health development,realize“BingYouSuoYi”Medical and health service system construction plan of action、Health human resource construction plan of action、Strengthen the system of insurance of primary medical treatment action plan、To promote rational drug use a plan of action、To protect the safety of medical treatment action plan、To improve medical and health services efficiency action plan、Public security and public health emergency action plan、To promote science and technology innovation plan、National health information system plan of action、Traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine action plan、The health industry development plan of action。


五、为保障各项指标的实现,“健康中国2020”战略研究在政策措施方面提出了哪些建议? five、To ensure the realization of each index,“China's 2020 health”Strategic research in policy measures put forward what advice?


“China's 2020 health”Strategy research puts forward to promote health development of the 8 measures。One is to establish promote national health administrative management system,Formation medical security and service as a whole integration“Big health”Administrative management system;The second is perfect legal support system,Administration according to law;The third is to adapt to the national health needs,Change health development mode,From attention to disease diagnosis and treatment to prevention、Control combined with change,Realize passes forward;The fourth is the establishment and the development level of economy and society to adapt the public financial investment policy and mechanism,Through the increase government investment in health and society to plan as a whole,Personal health spending cash will be reduced to less than 30%;5 it is to plan as a whole security system development,Improve the basic medical insurance financing standard and compensation ratio,Orderly promote unity between urban and rural residents medical insurance system、Unified management;Six is the“Qiang wei talents”strategy,Improve the quality of human health;Seven is give full play to the traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine advantage,Promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine;Eight is actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation。
