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   1月29日,在山东省济阳县闻韶500千伏变电站内,国家电网山东电力科学研究院自主研发的第四代变电站巡检机器人在雾霾中巡检设备。目前,全国有40台这样的机器人昼夜奋战在220千伏到1000千伏的各电压等级交、直流变电站,保障电网安全稳定运行,尤其是保证春节用电高峰期间的用电安全。这种机器人通过全站视频、红外、声音采集与检测,实现了检测手段的集成化和多元化,在雾霾天气也可以确保检测的准确性,大大提高了巡检效率。新华社发(张劲 摄) On January 29,,In shandong province JiYangXian WenShao within 500 kv substations,State grid shandong electric power academy of sciences independent research and development of the fourth generation substation inspection robot in fog haze of inspection equipment.At present,The forty table such robots for day and night in 220 kv to 1000 kv voltage level in all/Dc transformer substation,Ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid,Especially during the Spring Festival peak guarantee for safety.This kind of robot through the total video/infrared/Sound acquisition and detection,To realize the detection means of integration and diversification,In the fog haze weather also can ensure the accuracy of the test,Greatly improve the efficiency of inspection.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangJin perturbation)


    1月28日,电网工人在广西河池市大化县大石山区将变电器运进村屯。为确保春节期间电力可靠供应,解决农网用电“卡脖子”问题,南方电网广西电网公司近日启动农网重过载台区改造升级工作,采取“大换中、中换小”轮换变压器的工作模式,重点解决农村春节期间的用电问题,让农民朋友过上一个亮堂春节。新华社发(潘方强 摄)     1 month and day,Grid workers in guangxi stream city DaHuaXian DaShiShanOu will transformer into CunTun.In order to ensure reliable power supply during the Spring Festival,Solve the rural electric power"KaBoZi"problems,The guangxi grid of the southern power grid company recently start rural weight overload half upgrading work,take"Big change in/Change in small"Rotating transformer work mode,Is mainly to solve the problem of rural electricity during the Spring Festival,Let the farmers live a bright Spring Festival.The xinhua news agency hair(Pan FangJiang perturbation)


    1月28日,电网工人在广西河池市大化县一村屯安装配电变电器。     1 month and day,Grid workers in guangxi stream city DaHuaXian a CunTun installation distribution transformers.新华社发(潘方强 摄) The xinhua news agency hair(Pan FangJiang perturbation)


    1月29日,江西省靖安县供电公司香田供电所的技术人员在香田乡香田村罗家台区更换大容量变压器。针对农村家用电器增多,春节农民工返乡用电量增大的实际情况,2012年11月起,江西省靖安县供电公司投资1800多万元,对全县农村电网实施升级改造,架设“双回”线路,更换大容量变压器等,满足农村春节期间的用电需求。新华社发(徐仲庭 摄)     On January 29,,Jiangxi JingAn county electric power supply company sweet field administration of power supply technical personnel in the field LuoGu township sweet tamura half replace large capacity transformer.According to the rural household appliances increase,The Spring Festival migrant workers return home power consumption increase the actual situation,Since November 2012,Jiangxi JingAn county electric power supply company investment more than 1800 yuan,The implementation of the rural power grid upgrading,erection"double"line,Replace the large capacity transformer, etc,To meet the needs of the rural during the Spring Festival.The xinhua news agency hair(XuZhongTing perturbation)


    1月29日,国家电网天津宁河公司检修人员在一家蔬菜园区内排除用电设备安全隐患。春节临近,国家电网天津市电力公司安排工作人员为辖区提供安全用电检查之余,还制订了周密的保障措施,安排近2000名电力员工和近百辆抢险车进行春节保电工作。新华社发     On January 29,,The state grid NingHe tianjin company maintenance personnel in the park in a vegetable out electric equipment safety hidden trouble.The Spring Festival is near,State grid tianjin electric power company to arrange personnel to provide security for the jurisdiction power check over,Also made thorough security measures,Arrange nearly 2000 power employees and nearly cars on the Spring Festival the emergency vehicle electric work.The xinhua news agency hair


    1月29日,国家电网天津宁河公司组织检修人员在供热公司检查配电设施。     On January 29,,State grid tianjin NingHe company organization maintenance staff in heating company check distribution facilities.新华社发 The xinhua news agency hair
