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    故宫博物院的文物保护技术人员在对古书画进行全色。全色是古书画修复的一道工序,对缺失部分进行补色。这个程序对光线要求很高,几乎都是在自然光下进行(1月25日摄)。1950年,故宫博物院组建了文物修复工厂,着手对文物进行有效的保护。1980年,修复厂扩建为文物保护科学技术部。如今,“故宫博物院文保科技部”是整个故宫博物院办公区域中唯一设置了门禁装置的地方。比起人声鼎沸的故宫游览区,这里透出一丝神秘和肃穆。故宫博物院拥有近16万件古书画藏品,在故宫博物院文保科技部工作的古书画修复专家们正是这些藏品的“美容师”。在故宫公开展出的书画作品,许多都是经过书画修复工作人员的修正才得以亮相。50余年来,故宫博物院的文物保护技术人员累计修复的院藏文物及其他博物馆所藏的有关文物11万余件,其中包括张择端的《清明上河图》、展子虔的《游春图》、顾闳中的《韩熙载夜宴图卷》,唐冯承素临王羲之《兰亭序》等诸多堪称国宝的一级文物。如今,故宫古书画装裱修复技艺已经被列为国家级非物质文化遗产,在故宫工作几十年的徐建华老师傅也被推荐为国家非物质文化遗产代表性传承人。新华社记者 李文 摄      The Palace Museum of cultural relics protection technical personnel in the ancient calligraphy and painting to pan.Pan is ancient calligraphy and painting repair procedure,Lack of part of complementary color.This program to light demanding,Almost all is in natural light in(On January 25th perturbation).In 1950,,The Palace Museum of cultural relics repair factory was established,To effectively protect of cultural relics.In 1980,,The repair factory for the protection of cultural relics ministry of science and technology.now,"The Palace Museum WenBao ministry of science and technology"The Palace Museum is the only area domain set access device place.Compared with a hubbub of voices of the Forbidden City sightseeing district,Here give a mysterious and solemn and respectful.The Palace Museum has nearly 160000 pieces of ancient painting collection,In the Palace Museum WenBao ministry of science and technology work of the ancient calligraphy and painting repair experts it is these collections"hairdresser".In the palace of the calligraphy and painting works on public display,Many have been painting and calligraphy repair staff correction to appear.Fifty years,The Palace Museum of cultural relics protection technical personnel accumulated repair of Tibetan cultural relics and other cultural relics museum collection of more than 110000 pieces,Including the later[In qingming]/ZhanZiQian of[YouChun diagram]/GuHong of[HanXiZai maps banquet],Don FengChengSu near wang xizhi[now]As one of the many national cultural relics.now,The imperial palace ancient Chinese painting and calligraphy and painting mounting repair skill has been listed as national intangible cultural heritage,In the palace work several decades of XuJianHua master craftsman is also recommended for national intangible cultural heritage representative heritage.Xinhua news agency reporter when levin perturbation 


这是古书画修复所用的颜料等(1月25日摄)。新华社记者 李文 摄 This is the ancient painting and calligraphy used to repair the pigment, etc(On January 25th perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporter when levin perturbation


    上图:故宫博物院的文物保护技术人员在进行全色。全色是古书画修复的一道工序,对缺失部分进行补色。这个程序对光线要求很高,几乎都是在自然光下进行(1月25日摄)。下图:这是全色所用的颜料、工具(1月25日摄)。新华社记者 李文 摄     the:The Palace Museum of cultural relics protection technical personnel in the pan.Pan is ancient calligraphy and painting repair procedure,Lack of part of complementary color.This program to light demanding,Almost all is in natural light in(On January 25th perturbation).the:This is pan used pigment/tool(On January 25th perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporter when levin perturbation
