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2013年中央一号文件公布 着力构建新型农业经营体系--亲稳网络舆情监控室
1月31日,新华社受权发布《中共中央 国务院关于加快发展现代农业 进一步增强农村发展活力的若干意见》,全文约10000字,共分7个部分26条,包括建立重要农产品供给保障机制,努力夯实现代农业物质基础;健全农业支持保护制度,不断加大强农惠农富农政策力度;创新农业生产经营体制,稳步提高农民组织化程度;构建农业社会化服务新机制,大力培育发展多元服务主体;改革农村集体产权制度,有效保障农民财产权利;改进农村公共服务机制,积极推进城乡公共资源均衡配置;完善乡村治理机制,切实加强以党组织为核心的农村基层组织建设。 On January 31,,The xinhua news agency authorized to release[The CPC central committee of the state council on speeding up the development of modern agriculture to further strengthen the rural development vigor of the several opinions],Full text about 10000 words,Is divided into seven parts article 26,Establishing the supply of agricultural products is an important safeguard mechanism,Efforts to tamp the modern agricultural material foundation;Perfect agriculture support protection system,JiangNong increasing benefit rich peasants policy efforts;Innovative agricultural production and operation system,Steadily improve the degree of organization of farmers;Building agricultural socialized service mechanism,To the development of multiple service main body;The reform of rural collective property rights system,The effective protection of farmers' property rights;Improve the rural public service mechanism,Actively promote balanced urban and rural public resources allocation;The improvement of village governance mechanism,To strengthen the party organization is the core of the building of rural grassroots organizations.
2011年9月24日,黑龙江省八五六农场水稻种植户在收获水稻。党的十六大以来,我国农业生产得到很大发展,粮食产量实现“九连增”。文件要求,粮食生产要坚持稳定面积、优化结构、主攻单产的总要求,确保丰产丰收,继续开展粮食稳定增产行动。新华社记者 王建威 摄 On September 24, 2011,The 856 farm in heilongjiang province in rice farmers harvest rice.Since the 16th CPC national congress,Agricultural production in China has achieved great development,Food production to realize"Nine even increase".Documents require the,Food production to adhere to the stable area/Optimize structure/The general requirements of main yield,Ensure high harvest,Continue to steadily increase grain production in action.The xinhua news agency WangJianWei perturbation
2012年8月14日,江西丰城市袁渡镇村民吴竹卫展示“惠农一卡通”,政府所有的惠农补贴都会打到这个存折上。文件要求,按照增加总量、优化存量、用好增量、加强监管的要求,不断强化农业补贴政策。新华社记者 周密 摄 August 14, 2012,Jiangxi FengChengShi yuen to cross the town the villagers WuZhuWei display"Benefiting card",All the government's subsidies benefit can play to this book.Documents require the,According to the total increase/Optimization stock/Make good use of incremental/Strengthening the regulatory requirements,Continuously strengthen the agricultural subsidy policy.Xinhua news agency reporter careful perturbation
2012年3月21日,福州市晋安区鼓山镇前屿村村民在听证会上对招租方案进行举手表决。文件要求,完善乡村治理机制,切实加强以党组织为核心的农村基层组织建设。新华社记者 张国俊 摄 March 21, 2012,Fuzhou JinAnOu drum town island village before hearing on to let schemes by a show of hands.Documents require the,The improvement of village governance mechanism,To strengthen the party organization is the core of the building of rural grassroots organizations.The xinhua news agency ZhangGuoJun perturbation
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