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    一、八年来首次调低经济增长预期 a/Lower economic growth forecasts for the first time in eight years


    3月14日,十一届全国人大五次会议上批准政府工作报告,提出2012年中国经济增长的预期目标为7.5%。这是八年来第一次降低经济增速目标,目的是与“十二五”规划目标逐步衔接,引导各方面把工作着力点放到加快转变经济发展方式、切实提高经济发展质量和效益上来。从经济运行情况看,在稳增长政策作用下,我国经济的内生力量逐渐恢复,经济增速从9月份开始企稳回升,全年经济增长的预期目标能够较好完成。图表显示八年来中国经济增长预期与实际增长数值。新华社记者 卢哲 编制 On March 14,,Fifth session of the 11 th National People's Congress approved the government work report,Set the predictive goal for economic growth in 2012 was 7.5%.This is the first time in eight years to reduce the economic growth target,Purpose is to"1025"Planning goals step by step,Guide all aspects of the work emphases to accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development/Improve the quality and efficiency of economic development.From the economic operation,Under the policy effect stable growth,The endogenetic forces of China's economy is gradually restored,Economic growth rebounded stabilising since September,Annual economic growth of the anticipated goal can be completed well.Chart shows eight years China's economic growth expectations and the actual growth in value.The xinhua news agency reporters LuZhe



    二、三年医改实现阶段性目标 The second/Three years of the reform stage to achieve goals

         3月14日,国务院印发《“十二五”期间深化医药卫生体制改革规划暨实施方案》,进一步明确了2012年至2015年新一轮医改的规划和任务,并将医改的重心逐步从基层上移到公立医院,将更多涉及体制机制改革问题。截至2011年底,我国城乡居民参加基本医保人数超13亿,覆盖率达95%以上。这标志着2009年至2011年以基层为重点的新医改工作实现了阶段性目标,惠及全民的医疗保障网基本建成。这是7月1日,在北京友谊医院取药处的大屏幕上,显示了医药分开前后的药品价格对比。当日,北京市开始在友谊医院试点实行医药分开,取消15%的药品加成政策,取消挂号费和诊疗费,收取医事服务费。新华社记者 李文 摄 On March 14,,The state council issued by["1025"Deepen the reform of medical and health system during planning and implementation plan],Further clear the 2012 to 2015, a new round of reform of planning and task,And will be the focus of medical reform gradually removed from basic level to the public hospital,Will be more involved in the system mechanism reform.By the end of 2011,China's urban and rural residents to participate in the basic medical insurance number exceeds 1.3 billion,Cover more than 95%.This marks at the grassroots level from 2009 to 2011 with the focus on the new medical reform work progress goal is realized,Benefit all the people of the basic medical security nets.This is July 1,,In Beijing friendship hospital take on the big screen of the medicine,Shows the medicine separately before and after drug price comparison.On that day,Beijing started a pilot friendship hospital medicine separately,Cancel the 15% of the drug bonus policy,Cancel the registration fee and the fee,For health care services.The xinhua news agency reporter when levin perturbation


         三、薄熙来受查处王立军被判刑 three/Bo xilai was investigated WangLiJun sentenced

         4月10日,鉴于薄熙来涉嫌在王立军事件和薄谷开来案件中严重违纪,中央决定停止其担任的职务,由中央纪委对其立案调查。此后,薄熙来被开除党籍、开除公职,检察机关依法对其立案侦查。8月20日,合肥市中级法院以薄谷开来犯有故意杀人罪,判处其死刑,缓期两年执行。9月24日,成都市中级法院以王立军犯有徇私枉法罪、叛逃罪、滥用职权罪、受贿罪,判处其有期徒刑15年。 On April 10,,In view of bo xilai is suspected of in WangLiJun events and BoGu from cases severe discipline,The central decided to stop the for the post,By the central discipline inspection on the investigation.Since then,Bo xilai was fired/Expelled from office,Procuratorial organs in accordance with the law of the case investigation.On August 20,,Hefei intermediate people's court to BoGu from guilty of intentional homicide,Seek the death penalty,With two years suspension.On September 24,Chengdu city intermediate people's court to WangLiJun of law for sin/Defected sin/Abuse of power sin/Taking bribes,Sentenced to azkaban for the 15 years.这是图表“薄谷开来、张晓军故意杀人案一审宣判”。 This is the chart"BoGu apart/ZhangXiaoJun intentional homicide first sentence".新华社记者 曲振东 编制 The xinhua news agency reporters QuZhenDong


         四、我国切实保护南海东海海洋权益 four/In our country to protect the east China sea Marine rights and interests of the south China sea

         针对有关国家侵害我南海、东海海域权益的问题,我国展开了有理、有力、有节的斗争。4月以来,我国派出海监、渔政等政府公务船只、飞机对黄岩岛进行持续监管,并为我渔船、渔民提供管理和服务。9月,我国宣布钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿领海基线。海监、渔政船只、飞机连续数月来在钓鱼岛海域开展全方位例行维权巡航,实现巡航常态化。12月,我国向联合国提交东海部分海域200海里以外大陆架外部界限划界案,重申东海权利主张范围。在南海、东海问题上采取的一系列措施,昭示了我维护国家领土主权与海洋权益的坚定信念。这是2012年9月14日,中国海监15船抵达钓鱼岛海域,对钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿附近海域进行维权巡航执法。新华社记者 张建松 摄 According to relevant state I in the south China sea/The east China sea Marine rights and interests of the problem,Launched in China/powerful/Account of the struggle.Since April,China sent HaiJian/Fishing ships, such as the government official/Plane to HuangYanDao for continuous supervision,And for my fishing boat/Fishermen provide management and services.On September,China announced the baselines of the territorial sea of the diaoyu island and its affiliated islands.HaiJian/Fishing boats/The consecutive months in the sea all routine rights cruise,Achieve cruising the norm.On dec.,In China to the United Nations submitted 200 miles outside boundary delimitation of continental shelf part of the sea in the east China sea,Repeated claims in the east China sea.In the south China sea/The east China sea a series of measures on the problems,Show me to safeguard national sovereignty and Marine rights and interests of the firm faith.This is on September 14, 2012,China HaiJian 15 ships arrived in the diaoyu islands waters,Cruising waters near the diaoyu island and its affiliated islands of rights protection law enforcement.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhangJianSong perturbation


         五、“神九”“天宫”手控交会对接成功 five/"God nine""The heavenly palace"Manual rendezvous docking success

         神舟九号飞船6月16日18时37分成功发射,中国航天员景海鹏、刘旺、刘洋飞往“天宫”。33岁的刘洋成为中国第一个飞向太空的女性。神舟九号与天宫一号18日在距地球343公里的太空紧紧相拥,景海鹏、刘旺、刘洋依次“飞”进“天宫”。24日神舟九号与天宫一号完成首次手控交会对接。29日神舟九号飞船返回舱成功降落在内蒙古中部主着陆场预定区域,3位航天员平安回家。这是2012年6月18日北京航天飞控中心大屏幕显示的画面:航天员景海鹏、刘旺、刘洋在天宫一号实验舱内。新华社记者 查春明 摄 When the shenzhou 9 spacecraft on June 16, 18 37 points successful launch,Chinese astronaut JingHaiPeng/LiuWang/Were to"The heavenly palace".The 33-year-old were becoming China's first woman to fly into space.Shenzhou 9 and the heavenly palace a 18, 343 km away from the earth in space tightly hug to each other,JingHaiPeng/LiuWang/Were in turn"fly"Into the"The heavenly palace".24, shenzhou 9 and the heavenly palace a complete manual rendezvous docking for the first time.29 the shenzhou 9 spacecraft capsule successfully landed in the central part of Inner Mongolia an Lord touchdown reserve area,Three astronauts safely back home.This is June 18, 2012, Beijing astronautics flight control center of large screen display screen:The astronauts JingHaiPeng/LiuWang/Were in a temple, the cabin.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhaChunMing perturbation

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